
My daughter had scoliosis surgery (rods) for her lower back. Is it possible that she would need the upper ?

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portion of her back done also?




  1. She'll need to continue to be monitored routinely until she finishes growing, and periodically after that, to make sure her curve is stable.

    I had my top done in 1985 (age 14).  I wore a brace while I was 15 until my bottom curve stabilized.  At 36, I'm supposed to go in every 3-5 yrs just for a check up.

  2. I was first fused from T4-L4, sort of the middle of the back.  My surgeon told me afterward that there may be issues both above and below the fusion.  I later had degenerated discs at L4 and L5 so my fusion was extended to T4-S1.

    My point is that pressure is being put on the discs below the fusion, but much less so on the discs above the fusion.  Also, to this day I haven't had any problems with discs above the fusion.

    So if her spine acts like mine, I'd say yes, it is possible that she'd need her fusion extended upward, but not very likely.

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