
My daughter has 3 kidneys. and still wetting the bed at 9yrs old.?

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Im sick of the urine smell. she does this every other night. she's stubborn as h**l, and I need help getting the smell out of her NEW mattress......and any serious suggestions on how to help her stop. no water 4hrs b4 bed, done that. she usually does it right after I wake her up for school and she falls asleep. ithink she's jsut so angry with her ...please help




  1. I have a similar problem! I have a 9 year old girl who is perfectly healthy and wets the bed EVERY night! I'd even say she does it more then once in a night, and I too have tried all the suggestions with no results. Pullups is the only answer and just waiting it out. I myself wet my bed untill I started puberty and it mysteriously went away on it's own and my mother had also tried all the tricks including meds. But let me tell you FROM EXPERIENCE it is NEVER lazziness. It is NOT a good feeling to wake up in the middle of the night cold and wet, and stinking the next morning, your room smelling like a sewer, parrents riding your but constantly, having to be thirsty because of limited drinks, cant go to sleepovers or have company overnight. It is pure h**l to a child and complete MISSERY and they do not do it on purpose. The most common causes are that either the bladder is small and usually catches up and the bedwetting stops on its own, or the child is a very deep sleeper, the type who could sleep thru a tornado and this too simply improves with time and age. Trust me I KNOW how frustraiting it is and all about the smell and cost of pullups but believe me there is NOTHING you can do but clean up the best you can and wait, and support your child, because this can destroy her esteem.

  2. You can't get angry over accidents.

    And you should have been more proactive when buying a new mattress-if you know she wets the bed you needed to buy a waterproof guard for the mattress.

  3. No child has 3 kidneys....  In fact no human at all does....

  4. nobody can have three kidneys

  5. My daughter wore pull-ups every night until she was 10 and grew out of bed wetting. Some kids go even longer and they can't help it. We just bought the generic brand of pull-ups and didn't make a big deal about it. She would put them on at night and throw them away in the morning if they were wet. I'm sure your daughter is embarassed and being angry with her will only hurt her self-esteem even more. She's only going to have one childhood and it's important for her to have happy memories. Trust me, I had a very angry mom and it still affects me as an adult. Good luck.

  6. I completely understand why this would be so frustrating for you. By the time your child is 9, she has her own personality, and is able to do so much independantly, it can be hard to believe that she isn't able to make it to the bathroom at night.

    Even so, this is not an uncommon problem--Likely at least one of her other classmates also wets the bed at her age. There are many factors that cause many children to wet the bed, and it isn't intentional.

    Heres some quick biology: blood flows in a cycle throughout our bodies, and along the cycle it passes through the kidneys. The kidneys provide a complex filtration system which takes waste products out of the blood and regulates the concentration of certain compounds. The result of this is the extraction of water, salts, and other components from the blood which form urine. The fact that your daughter has a third kidney means that her blood has an extra pass through this filter, and she is going to be producing more urine. During the day, I imagine, this isn't much of an issue, as she likely doesn't go very long without access to a bathroom. At night this is completely different.

    Normally, a person produces a hormone (anti-diuretic hormone) in the evening which reduces the amount of urine produced, but doesn't completely stop it. This is so we can make it through the night without having a full bladder. Oftentimes in children the release of this hormone isn't perfect, enough of it may not be released, or it may be released too early or late in the evening, etc. This fact, plus the fact that your daughter produces more urine than the average child to begin with, makes it completely understandable why she would wet at night.

    Also, as a side note, the fact that she may wet after dozing off after you initially wake her up for school is not at all evidence that she is doing it on purpose. When awoken, even if for a brief moment, your body begins to act like its awake, even if you fall asleep. Anti-diuretic hormone is only released once per day, and thus won't be released before this second slumber. Your daughter is then in a position where she is unconcous, has a full bladder, and its getting fuller. If she wakes up and hasn't wet, make sure she goes to the bathroom right away.

    So, what do you do about it? Well its a hard situation to deal with, as you are fighting your daughters body. Regardless of a childs age, this should be made to be as unstressful as possible. Punishing or even getting upset at her doesn't change anything, as this is completely unintentional. Even if you don't say anything, showing disapointment or frustration can be just as harmful to her. There have been some studies that have shown that in bedwetting children, the number of wet nights increases when stress in their life increases. By getting upset at her, you are likely making the situation worse. After she knows you aren't upset with her, and she knows its not a punishment, discuss some sort of protection with her to reduce the impact of her accidents. Huggies makes a product called Goodnites which are made for big kids. Explain to her its much easier for her to change a wet pull-up then an entire wet bed, and it won't have to be as big of a deal any more. Don't make this out to be a punishment, its just something that will help you both get through this until she can grow out of it.

    At 9, the best idea would be to purchase a bedwetting alarm. Scientific studies show that in children her age it is the most effective means of accelerating the development of dry nights. The alarm goes inside her underwear or diaper and goes off at the first sign of moisture. This helps your daughters brain associate a full bladder with waking up. Eventually, she will wake up moments before she would have normally wet, and this allows her to get to the bathroom in time. If it doesn't work after a couple weeks, stop using it for a year or so. It doesn't work with everyone, but its certainly worth a try.

    As far as the smell out of the matress, if you go to a pet store they have "enzyme based" stain removers, which actually break down biological components. It will take the stains and smell out of fabrics by breaking down the urine molecules instead of masking them.

    Also, in regards to limiting fluids, her kidneys are going to produce urine regardless of the amount of fluids she drinks (albeit less). It's a good idea to monitor the amount of fluids she drinks in the evening (ie: no caffeinated drinks, nothing in excess), but she should never go to bed thirsty.

    Also, someone suggested waking her up in the middle of the night to go. Recent studies show this actually makes it worse because she won't be completely awake and it encourages her to pee while sleeping. This is different than the alarm which wakes her up only when her bladder is full.

    I know this has been an extremely long answer, but I just want you to know that you two can get through this together. Its not her being lazy at all; its her bodies own way of developing. Some children at her age read at a 10th grade level, some at a 1st grade. Some kids are very musical, others are good at math. Every child develops different skills at different times, and its all a part of growing up. Best of luck to the both of you.

  7. What is this about 3 kidneys?  Do they all work?  Could be an over worked bladder given there is 50% more plumbing putting urine into it.  

    Typically, the 3rd kidney is known as a supernumary kidney and it doesn't work or is highly inefficient.  Many are sugically removed because of complications of having the organ when it isn't working "right."

    The bed wetting may be completely unrelated.  You mention that your child is very stubborn.  You must be pretty stubborn too, to have let this go on this long.  What does your pediatrician say?  There are medications available now to help with this.  There are alarms.  Since you know that most of the "accidents" occur after you wake her up, you must take the responsibility for getting her out of bed immediately.  Quit blaming this child for being lazy.  Change your routine to allow yourself time to physically assist her up, to the toilet, and back to bed if there is time for this to occur prior to school.  

    Good luck.  Oh yeah.  The anger.  How does that work for you?  It hasn't worked yet, has it.

  8. first of all this three kidney thing is just not possible

    now coming to your actual problem which dsnt seem like a big problem at all

    1.she is not doing it purposely nor she is lazy stop getin angry on ur daughter

    2.bed wetting is associated with mind problem (specially with children of this age)

    is Ur daughter having feeling of insecurity or fear in her mind talk to her

    be affectionate n caring ur problem is nothin as compared to her... dnt be selfish

    3.u shud worry abut ur daughter more than mattress

    trust me ur child needs ur help n this problem will be permanently solved if u provide her proper attention n care along wid medication instead of finding temporary solutions like pull ups n all....

    4.hit the cause n problem will be automatically solved

  9. Feel for you.....

    My daughter is almost 12 and she wets too! We've done everything, and I mean it, no drinks, waking her up every few hours, pull ups, serenity pads(adult incontinent pad) even alarms. Finally took her to the Dr. cuz she has a class trip coming up for 3 nights, and she's very worried. Dr. gave us a RX for a Nose spray, 1 spray in each nostril every eve. OMG it is a miracle:)  She's used it now for several months and sometimes can skip a night and be dry. The Dr. and the Pharmacist say it isn't dangerous. Wish I had the name off hand. Just ask about the nose spray for bed wetting. Good Luck

  10. I had a family  member with a bedwetting problem. She was eventually put on medication for it. It was something she had NO control over and was linked to other medical issues we were not aware of until she was taken to the doctor for the bedwetting.  You might want to research turner syndrome. I added a link. Anyway... it says it can include kidney abnormality. My family member  has it so lightly we couldn't tell. The doctor had to do tests. She was 18 and undiagnosed thats how lightly she had it.

    As for the smell... have you tried that stuff they show on tv that comes with a black light to "see" that its gone?? It's called Urine Gone. I used it on both female cat in heat urine and that TERRIBLE OILY male cat urine they mark their territory with. You would never know it was there. I had my brand new micro fiber sofa less than 24 hours when my hubby's cat marked all across the front and down the sides. I used that stuff twice and now it's back to brand new. (the cat is now outside) The female cat peed in my bed as she was in heat and I made her mad by catching her before she escaped out the door and she repaid me by peeing in my bed. A couple treatments and good as new. I highly reccomend it.    

    To everyone who keeps claiming 3 kidneys is not possible do a little research before you open your mouth. It is EXTREMELY rare thats why you wouldn't know but it happens . There are even other people on here who have posted about it.

  11. okay.... first take a deep breathe.... second..... lose all of ur angeer..... 3rd thing is to sit ur kid down and calmy (not yelling) tell her that this has to stop..... show her the bathroom is...... hey hey hey I got a solution to this problem........ get a wrist band that beeps everytime she need to go that way no wet bed

  12. No human in this world has 3 kidneys. You are full of baloney.

  13. Why don't you just buy her pull-ups?  Then she won't damage the mattress when she has accidents.

  14. I'm just curious that if the third kidney wasnt attached to the bladder, why didnt the doctors just take it out ? By the way, I have heard of people with three kidneys before. I dont know that that would make her have to urinate more or not. I wet the bed till I was 11. It is just a problem with some people, there are even adults who still wet the bed, I doubt your daughter is doing it on purpose

  15. Have you looked it up much on the internet.  I looked it up for 5 minutes and found in a short period of time that it is very common for people with three kidneys to pee a lot more.  You probably need to get her up in the middle of the night atleast once to pee.  I have to with my son or he pees the bed no matter what time I stop the drinks.

  16. i have a 7yr old who has the same issue.

    One of the responses to this, is waking her up at night.  May help.  Set an alarm clock that she can turn off herself.  Set it at the same time every night so it becomes habital.

    Talk about it with her doctor also.  I know there are medications for this.  I wouldn't go this route though, but maybe there could be anatomical problem.

    As far as smell, this is a super tuff one.  It'll never come out completely.  What I do, is use a pet stain/odor solution for my carpet shampooer. I clean use the carpet steamer attachments.  Go over many times! Then blot with a lot of towels. Then I spray with an pet odor neutrilizer that is used for pet accidents.  Let air dry completely.  If there is still a slight odor left, I spray again, blot, and let dry.   Urine is a tough smell to get rid of.  I do find eventually it fades to when it's bearable.

    The matterss covers do tend to tear, so keep a supply.  I have one on, then a fitted sheet over that, than an old comforter on top of it all.  This helps absorbs alot when an accident does occur and makes night time cleaning easier and less urine that will make it to the matteress.  So when an accident happens, I take off the comforter and fitted sheet, quick spray wipe with the cleaner on the vynel cover, and quickly throw another old comforter on top.

    And if she does this ONLY when you wake her up for schools, you may have to pull some of her privlages away to see if that helps.

    If she's doing it at night as well, it probably is truely an accident so as frustrating as it is, be understanding.  No child that age wishes to urinate on herself.  

    It is a lot of work to be doing this every night.  You might want to consider using disposable "Good Nights" on s-thursdays on school nights.  This will relieve your frustration and your daughters as well.

    I hope all is well.


    Jory did have some good insight of "wetting".

    I guess punishments may induce a fear, and it's probably best to provide an incintive,  maybe "rewards" for staying dry.  Everynight/morning my daughter stayed dry, she got a star on the calendar. My daughter when she wakes up dry will boast on being dry.  This might get her motivated on trying to stay dry.  Maybe so many stars she acheives in a given time frame, she gets a treat.  Or every star is worth .10 cents. 10 cents may not seem like much, but it might also teach a lesson on saving money for things she might want to earn in the long run.  

    Good luck to the both of you.

  17. whoa whoa whoa.

    She might stop at about 12

    Good luck w/ that one

  18. i think you are full of bologna

  19. it may not be her bladder maybe its school work or bullys?

  20. 4 hours seems harsh. No drinking about 2 hours before bedtime. No exceptions. If shes DYING of thirst, pour a VERY tiny amount of water, like 2 spoonfulls worth,  just to "wet her whistle." Make sure she uses the bathroom before bedtime. 1 out of 100 18 year olds still wet the bed. Also, a tablespoon of honey and/or some crackers help retain water. As for waking up, I'd make sure shes out of bed and eating breakfast before leaving. Don't leave her to fall asleep again.

  21. OMG.  I dont have a solution it seems like something she has to grow out of.  Me personally, I wet the bed until about 10.  I just didnt feel it.  I just thought I would mention this because it seems you are becoming impatient with something she cant control.  How about waking her up during the night to go to the bathroom?

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