
My daughter has a personal trainer, is that normal?

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My daughter has a personal trainer, is that normal?




  1. Not, really. I wish my parents could afford me one but I do the old fashion thing; GET MY LAZY BEHIND OFF THE COUCH AND GET TO EXERCISING OR PACK ON THE POUNDS.

  2. no thats not really very normal in my opinion, she doesnt need one, but if you wish to spend your money that way then ok

  3. I wish I could afford one, especially after the baby gets here!

  4. Totally more power to her! She's making habits of good health and self-preservation.

  5. If one can afford it.

    A lot of people have personal trainers.

  6. yeah some ppl do if they can afford it.

  7. What are they training her to do?  Is she an athlete?  Or is she training for a specific event?  

    Olympic caliber atheletes often have trainers very young.

  8. yeah perfectly normal!

    as long as she can afford it and doesnt over do it

    it means she takes pride in her health and appearance which is great!

  9. ya

  10. who cares?

  11. Is this at a gym she just signed up at?  Many of them will assign you someone to make sure you aren't doing damage to yourself while at their facility.  Nothing wrong with it.  It's a good thing!

  12. Yeah. Why?

  13. yeaah

    i want one but my mom said no.


  14. the gym i go to is weird. i don't have a personal trainer that i work with everytime i work out, but i had to get an orientation to learn how to use the equipment and stuff. i also learned what i need to do at the gym to reach my goals. but, if i have questions about reaching my goals or the equipment or anything, i can always go back to the trainer. she's called a "fitness consultant." they do have a program that offers training, but i feel that i don't need it right now.

  15. since your in the topic "adolesent", I'd say no.  If she is a teen training for a sport, I'd say yes.  If she is grown and hired one, I'd say yes

  16. I think it's probably better to have one, than to not, when it comes to exercising.  A PT will present the proper methods of exercising, so to minimize risk of injury -such as lifting properly, not placing unnecessary strain on certain parts, proper bending of the knees, etc.  Many people also approach exercising w/ unrealistic expectations, and believe that they are able to (for example) lift more than they can, run faster and longer than what is comfortable, etc, and then they find themselves exhausted and sore, and then they don't want to exercise after that, for fear of the pain and tiredness.  A PT will help her to find a pace and level of resistance that is comfortable from which she can gradually increase, and they tend to frown upon rapid, unrealistic, and potentially dangerous forms of weight-loss -such as fasting, etc.  PT's also try to encourage healthy eating habits, so it is very likely that you will notice a change for the better in how/what she eats.  PT's also tend to be encouraging by praising their clients' efforts, and helping them maintain a positive outlook on proper diet and exercise.

    As long as your daughter doesn't begin to resort to extreme measures of weight-loss or body building that can cause serious health problems later, I think that having a PT is a good idea.  I think it is great that she is interested in exercising, as most teens/young adults want to lay around watching TV or texting on their cell phones.  -It is no surprise that America is the unhealthiest nation!

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