
My daughter has been slacking off. How do I..?

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My daughter goes to UC Berkeley. However I'm afraid she hasn't been devoting enough time to her studies.

All I want is to see her grades. How can I find out her grades? Or better yet, can I talk to a Director so I can have access to this if she won't tell me?




  1. Make it clear to her what a waste of her and your time and money that not getting a good result on her degree will be, and make sure she is clear on her prospects if she screws up.

  2. Usually, universities have a system, either by phone or internet, where you can know them if you have her personal information. As you are her mom, you probably won't have any problem. Go to the university Registrar/Bursar website (they usually have a student data login or student service) or call them by phone and follow the process. However, if your daughter has a PIN number you don't know, it can be difficult for you. Have all her info in hand before going doing all this...

    And parents can login too in many universities....

    Here is UC Berkeley website for that:

    You can probably do it by phone too...

    Also talk to her and giver her advices. She will appreciate them in the future when she reflects back...

    Good luck! Have her SS# at hand...

  3. Are you paying for her education?  If you are, then I can understand your concern, however, if your child is paying her own way, you have to cut the umbilical cord and mind your own beeswax.  Somehow, I think it is the latter.

  4. In college, you're child is considered an adult, no one can access her grades but her.

    She probably is slacking, as that's what college students do, but have you tried rewarding her for doing well in school? Talk to her about showing you her grades. I wish my parents would take the effort to care about my grades.

    Good Luck!

  5. even if shes a minor, i dont think that colleges give out that type of information. if your the one paying for her education, maybe you could contact someone that works at the college and find out, but if shes paying it herself, then maybe you should just let her be independent.

  6. Nope, not if she is over 18.

    That's privacy infringement, and your daughter has rights.

    She goes to Berkeley, have some faith!

  7. I'm not sure that you can without your daughter's consent. There are probably privacy issues. Perhaps you could talk to your daughter about your concerns. If she isn't having any problems, she should have nothing to hide. At the same time, I would be careful not to make her feel threatened.  

  8. no u cant see her grades she over age dummy  

  9. If she's not out drinking and acting crazy, she should be okay with turning over her grades.

    The alcoholics are usually the ones who start slacking off and hiding them.

    I do believe you can call the ... c**p what's it called. Is it the registrar? Or something. Anyhow, you should be able to call them and either get it over the phone, or get it mailed.

    If you're paying for it, you can get her grades, no problem. Just have her social security number ready.

  10. ONce your daughter is out in college she is offically and adult and can make her own choices. I don't believe they will let you see her grades unless she gives them permisson. You have to learn to trust her and her judgment.

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