
My daughter has been told she is a diabetic any body in remedys to cure ie natural remedies etc thanks?

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My daughter has been told she is a diabetic any body in remedys to cure ie natural remedies etc thanks?




  1. if she is insulin dependant diabetic she will die while she is refusing to take her insulin and searching for something better.the lack of insulin is life threatening .she should look on insulin as the key to open a gateway to cells in her body .when these gateways are open her body can get the energy from food she eats and use it to surive and live.dont let her throw away her only chance of life.without insulin there is no energy and with no energy then life itself dies.

  2. Exercise is really good and eating healthy !

  3. Diabetes is a medical condition for which there is not yet a cure.

    Now don't panic!  It is usually regulated by medication and a strict diet. The doctor will support and guide you and your daughter.

    I would suggest that you look at the following website:-

    It will hopefully ease your mind and give you a better insight into it.

  4. Elliminate all processed foods such as refined,white sugar, white flour, candy/sweets, and excess fried/hydrogenated fats from her diet. Green leafy vegetables are best, along with some fish, but no dairy either. She should do a colon cleanse to remove excess toxins, parasites, and heavy metals from her body. Then she could use herbs such as Goldenseal, Blackseed, Pau D'arco to get it under control. Then just focus her mind on healing.

  5. yes...I recommend first the incurables program by dr richard schulze

    also see the videos and book (death to diabetes by Mcculley) who cured his serious diabetes completely with a drastic change of diet

    and use Dr Budwig's remedy ..I was just reading that the fats we eat is more important than carbs for diabetics. Although this is for cancer, it has also reversed diabetes but the flaxseed/cottage cheese mix takes about 9 months to reverse as it changes things on a cellular about her work.

    also take the recommended herbs at each meal and eat correctly and low on the glycemic index.

    copy and save this info.  also see the book's linda page's healthy healing and balche's prescription for nutritional healing for more recommendations..these are the best books I know. people have written in to say, they were cured of diabetes.

    also see his book, there are no incurable illnesses at his website.   also do not eat any oils but extra virgin olive oil, raw organic coconut oil and flaxseed oil (butter and meat ok).  Also eat walnuts (land source of omega three fatty acids) and fish oil. You must eat way more omega three fatty acid and the flaxseed oil must be mixed with the certain protein found in cottage cheese and blended with a wand emersion blender to bond the two so it can get into the cells. You take twice as much cottage cheese as flaxseed oil and 4 times as much plain yogurt if using that. if taking his cedar berry formula and making it, be sure if you buy bulk herbs that the berries have one seed and not three or four as juniper berries look alike and I was once sold these by mistake and had to return

    also take at each meal one of these supplement:

    cinnamon, bitter melon, gtf chromium, fenugreek, and gymnema sylvestre

    here are some more diabetic herbs

    take very little grains even whole grains according to my allopathetic doctor who uses alternative health and only sour fruits (lemons, plums, berries, sour apples)..focus on meats, fish and veggies. Although vegan diets have reversed diabetes.  No sugar or sweeteners except stevia (a sweet herb that actually is not only safe but helps diabetics,  do not use diet or regular soft drinks.

    In case of gangrene, get school of natural healing book by Dr John R Christopher..he has cured gangrene and saved people from amputation even amazing doctors.  The formulas are in there. (plantain/marshmallow root, etc).

    Take herbs for venous strength for retinopathy and do incurables program and dr schulze's eye wash in eye 7 times a day and also internally with three cups of carrot juice and ginkgo and use a slant board.

    also this clinic got everyone off insulin and normal blood sugar in less than 2 weeks

  6. You don't say how old your daughter is.

    If she is young, say under 20, it is probably type 1 DM, what used to be called Juvenile Diabetes.  This results from an inborn inability of the pancreas to make insulin.  We don't know why, but at some point the Islet cells just start to die. It is likely from a genetic predisposition, and some trigger, such as a viral infection.  There is as yet no cure, though there is a lot of future promise in stem cells, replacing the islet cells that have stopped working. (Think of that when you are making your election decisions in the USA...the Bushies have suppressed stem cell research for purely ideological reasons, catering to their Bible believing base.  As a result, the USA is falling behind the rest of the world in medical research.  Be grateful that a Canadian discovered insulin and millions of people are alive today as a result)

    Type 2 DM, or Adult Onset Diabetes tends to affect older people, but may effect the obese and sedentary young. It is generally considered to be a lifestyle disease.  It is associated with obesity, and a diet high in carbohydrates (the dreaded white food, junk foods and too much food group)  It is more common in certain populations, such as Native Americans where T2DM is almost epidemic. (They seem to have a genetic predisposition to pancreatic 'fatigue' from excess caloric intake)  Essentially the pancreas can't make enough insulin, or the cells develop insulin resistance.

    T2DM can be "cured" by diet, exercise, weight loss.  It can be managed by oral medications, and sometimes insulin is needed for those in whom diet, wt loss and oral meds doesn't work, or who aren't able to do it.

    There are no known "natural" remedies other than what I've mentioned.  There are no herbs proven to have any effect at "stimulating" the pancreas.  (Emphasis on proven...Skorpian copies and pastes lots of "information"..but his sources are dubious and not evidence based)

    This is

  7. PLEASE do not risk something as serious as your daughter's live with alternative medicines..  Just do what your physician says to do..

  8. Unfortunately, there is no cure for diabetes. And as far as I know, there is no 'natural', herbal or traditional medicine that has been shown to work against diabetes.

    Depending on whether your daughter has type 1 or type 2 diabetes, she may have to have regular insulin injections, oral medications or to change her diet. The aim of all of these therapies is to maintain her blood sugar at a normal level; this will reduce her chances of complications such as cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, neuropathy and ketoacidotic crises. It's worth buying a book on diabetes, to understand what exactly it means for your daughter.

    It's important that she doesn't take any herbal remedy without speaking to her doctor first. They can react badly with prescription medications, so it's crucial that she doesn't combine the two without getting advice first.

  9. don't know about "remedies" as such for diabetes, although my uncle and cousin both have diabetes, and i recommend stevia as a sweetener in place of sugar. you can even buy cookbooks that are designed to help cook with stevia since it is FAR more potent (sweeter!) than sugar in MUCH smaller doses! good luck!

  10. What can complementery medicine do for you?

    You did not mention whether it is type I or II diabetes. In either case the following will help, {which must be taken complementery/with her insulin medication},

    It is absolutely paramount that your daughter controls her blood sugar levels, by following the reccommendations below, but before you read those, you need to have an understanding of why they are reccommended.

    If there is too much sugar circulating in the bloodstream that is not immediately being utilised as energy by cells, it will not only acidify the bloodstream, microorganisms will have a picnic and proliferate. This is the reason why diabetics are prone to so many infections {like Candidiasis}, sometimes to th point whereby their limbs must be amputated due to fermentation and decay of flesh, by harmful microorgansisms.

    In our junk-food culture, blood sugar levels are rife, and your daughter will having to drastically change her eating habits, especially when eating out at restaurants with her friends ect {she must always check the sugar levels in food/meals served, and adjust insulin shots accordingly}.

    The brain is the only part of the body that cannot adapt well to- or compensate for - erratic changes in blood glucose{a type of sugar} levels. This is the reason why symptoms of blood sugar disorders are as varied as the many functions of the brain, which is invovlved in every sensory, motor, perceptual, cognitive and emotional function in the system. If he brain is not 'fed' properly , it is easy for it to become emotionally, physiologically, biologically and physically unstable, leading to mental illness like 'the common cold' of psychiatry, or clinical depression to be exact.

    Diabetics usually have nutritional dificiencies, most notably 'Vitamin B-3 and the minerals Chromium and Vanadium' {Source 1}. Whether or not these nutritional dificiencies contributed to causing diabetes or is a result of diabetes, this is the common medical dillema of the cause and effect debate. Anyhow, leave that to the debaters, in either case, what needs to be done is to supplement a good high-strength multivitamin and multi-mineral {preferably in a amin acid chelated form, as it is more bioavailable {in english...easier for the body to absorb and use}}, 'Mineral' is a good brand, which can be purchased cheap on ebay or, and 'Higher Nautre - Advanced Nutrition Complex' brand for the multi-vitamin.

    Optimal Diet for Diabetics

    High in Animal Protein - which will nourish them without straining the pancreas.

    Herbs like Neem, Stevia, Licorice, have been shown to balance blood-sugar levels.



    The following reccommendations will help:

    - Replace table sugar with Xylitol, this has a Gylceamic Index value of 8, whereas Sugar has a GI of 64!

    - Cinnamon - this spice has been shown to reduce blood-sugar levels, consume a spoonful with meals.

    - Bitter Melon, this is officially used in the Phillipines Health Care System, and is prescribed by doctors there, to regulate blood-sugar levels. You can make a delicious indian dish from this, by boiling and stuffing with mince meat.

    - Eat lots of Oats - they contain beta-glucan which is a powerful anti-diabetic nutrient

    - Chromium - this works with insulin to help it bind to hormone receptor sites on the plasma membranes of cells. Chromium also helps prevent the shape of insulin being deformed, and chromium also is in the make-up of the insulin receptors on cell membranes. 400-600mcg of Chromium per day


    Gerson Therapy

    Consider also, Gerson Therapy, this therapy has claimed to cure everything from TB, multiple sclerosis, to terminal cancers. This may work for diabetes also, it is worth looking into.


    Hulda Clark's Method

    Read Dr. Hulda Clark's book 'Cure for all diseases' she claims diabetes is caused by a microorganism, and that it can be cured, although i do not own the book, nor have i any experience with her protocols.


    Rife Frequency Technology

    Rife machines have claimed to balance blood sugar levels, and reduce it dramatically at certain frequencies, that should be used with care. Buy a good rife machine, like the PERL or GB-4000, and the Rife Handbook by Dr. Nin Silver, she resides on the Rife yahoo group, so you can email her directly.

    Join the, Yahoo Rife Group,


    Orthomolecular Medicine

    2000mg Vitamin C, as low-acidity Magnesium Ascorbate Powder. This will reduce the risk of acidosis, and will stimulate white blood cells to fight [pathogenic microorganism, and stimulate greater H2O2 production in the body, thus oxygenates the body, which alkalises the body, and prevents acidosis which is a risk factor of diabetes mellitus.


    Bob Beck Protocol

    Water Ozonator - ozonate drinking water, this will alkalise the body, and make an inhospitable environment for pathogenic {disease causing} microorganisms, like systemic Candidiasis, which diabetics are at risk of.

    Colloidal Silver - This fights infections, a natural antibiotic.

    Magnetic Pulsar - to kill pathogens in the lymphatic system

    Electrifyer - Send small currents through the body which kills pathogens in the blood, similar to Rife Tecnology.

    Join the Bob Beck Yahoo Group for more information.


    Hope this helps.

  11. Yes - this very natural method will control the diabetes.

    These pranayam exercises will help control the diabetes and the side effects.Build up the timing gradually.If you feel tired or dizzy, stop and resume later(after about a minute).The benefits will be noticed in weeks as the sugar level is checked daily.Over the long term the diabetes will be in full control and the medicine can be reduced in consultation with the doctor.

    Kapalbhati -(Do it before eating) Push air forcefully out through the nose about once per second. Stomach will itself go in(contract in). The breathing in(through the nose) will happen automatically. Establish a rhythm and do for 20 to 30 minutes twice a day.(Max 60 min/day)

    Children under 15 years – do 5 to 10 minutes twice a day.

    Not for pregnant women. Seriously ill people do it gently.

    Anulom Vilom –

    Close your right nostril with thumb and deep breath-in through left nostril

    then – close left nostril with two fingers and breath-out through right nostril

    then -keeping the left nostril closed deep breath-in through right nostril

    then - close your right nostril with thumb and breath-out through left nostril.

    This is one cycle of anulom vilom.

    Repeat this cycle for 20 to 30 minutes twice a day(maximum 60 minutes in one day).

    Children under 15 years -  do 5 to 10 minutes twice a day.

    You can do this before breakfast/lunch/dinner or before bedtime or in bed.Remember to take deep long breaths into the lungs.You can do this while sitting on floor or chair or lying in bed.

    Also everyday, press the centre point of the palm of both your  hands 40 times with the thumb and press the tips of all fingers 40 times each.

    Continue the exercises once a day, after the diabetes is in full control.

  12. master of nothing.

    there is no remedy or cure.

  13. No diabetes needs medical attention or medical advice depending on how advanced the disease is.

    Is she type 1 or type 2?

    have her check out to talk with other diabetics about her disease.

  14. At least a   part of diabetis haunting the world is iatrogenic, administering medicines without knowing or checking what are its side effects, what chemical reactions are those chemicals  going to do in your body in isolation as well as in collaboration with other chemicals away  from its intented action in the body. Yet another problem is that the approach is not holistic, the body is devided into compartments and organ specific and treat the body as if only one part exists. In that kind of a system when one part is medicated the other part rebels, when that is attended the next one rebels and thus a continuous chain of medication is achieved.   Medicines again are used to remove the side effects which causes further side affects.   A close look at the medicines she has taken in the past may perhaps reveal it.  The diabetis caused so are probably reversible.

    If Diabetis is caused by the dysfunctioning of pancrease, it could to some extent be corrected by exercises.  Yogic exercise Ardha Matsyendrasana done on a regular basis will activate pancrease function and gradually the person could be reinstated to normal health.  Other yogic asanas may be added if you so wish. Since the conventional medicine system are admitting the inability to cure but only management, the option is open to see if the body can correct the malady with natural methods and minimum of medicines.   There are medicines in Ayurveda and Homeopathy and naturopathy to cure diabetis.  But, that is for believers, and who understands those systems of medicine in their greatness.  There are two types of diabetis:

    Diabetis Mellitus Type I(Juvenile Onset DM) - Results either from failure of pancrease to produce Insulin - Insulin dependent.  Type I is caused by autoimmune distruction of the insulin secreting beta cells of the pancrease.  Loss of these cells results in complete Insulin Defeciency.  

    Type II(Adult Onset DM) -  From insulin resistance with inadequate insulin secretion to sustain normal metabolism.  

    Type II results partly from decreased sensitivity of muscle cells to Insulin-mediated glucose uptake and partly from a relative decrese in pancreatic insulin secretion.  

               If your daughter is young, she could be having the type I above.  If you meet the right doctor, there is a cure for everything.  The damage would not be as much as continuing to eat chemicals throughout life.

             I am not writing this about one system of medicines.  If the doctor is not adept in what he is doing, the patient suffers.  This is applicable to any system of medicine.  Be it allopathy, be it homeopathy, be it ayurveda.   The system therefore is not of significance as much as the man behind the system.

  15. There has been some positive results with the IMZ products. I am at


  16. I don't think there is a cure for diabetes, you can control it with diet and medication and depending on severity will depend on medication, don't try and find a natural cure to prove a point, your daughters health is more important than a cause, follow the doctors instruction and your daughter will soon learn to cope, good luck.

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