My daughter was supposed to turn in homework calendar everynight, saying that she read for 20 minutes each night. She forgot or lost that thing at teh beginning of the month, and she has read every night, however since she hasn't turned that thing in, she has lost her recess every day.
Now she got in trouble here when I found out tonight, she told me...
However, I had a talk with the teacher about 2 months ago, I called her because my 2nd grader, was having a hard time remembering her homework sometimes, and is there a system to better help her, she has an extremely hard time concentrating.
I feel like after 2 days, I'll even give it a week, that she should have called home, so I am going up to that school tomorrow, I am walking so I wil not be so HOT when I get there.
Am I in the wrong for being so upset at her as well?