
My daughter has problems waking up...confused and delirious?

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My daughter has issues when she wakes up to where she is so out of it she can't function. She tries to put undies on her head, she doesn't know where she is walking, etc. Tonight she fell asleep on her bed watching tv (normal everyday thing) and when I woke her up to take a shower, she tried going to the window instead of the bathroom. She tried getting in with her clothes on, and tried sitting on the side of the tub to go to the bathroom. She washed her face with soap and then opened her eyes and forgot to rinse. This is a normal thing with her and it usually takes her about 20-30 min to fully get out of this state. Also, she is very upset, like crying, yelling at us. One occasion that stands out what about 2 yrs ago she cried for about 20 min and finally told us why. She said she had too many fingers on her hand. She isn't just being silly either. This is serious to her and she really doesn't realize what she is saying or doing. This only happens when we wake her up whether it be from a nap or in the morning. And she does fall asleep about 6 out of 7 days a week in the late afternoon. She has a history of night terrors but hasn't had any of those in about 2 yrs or so. She also thrashes in her sleep. Swings her arms, kicks her legs, rolls off the bed, ends up sleeping with her head at the foot of the bed, etc. I need help. And I am already planning on taking her to the doctor but wanted to know if anyone else knows what this is.




  1. oh god that poor child.. hug her for me ok? otherwise I have nothing. take care.

  2. Wow...this sounds like something that would make a good House episode.  Anyway, I'd reccomend a sleep specialist...they will have her hooked up to machines and observe her overnight and monitor her brain activity. You'll get more luck there than from here with common everyday nobodies on yahoo answers.  Good luck to you and your daughter

  3. She could be having severe nightmares which even when waking shes still in a state of panic and delirium.  If she is still thrashing and having this incidents then it sounds like the night terrors never stopped, possibly just changed.  

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