
My daughter has the gastric virus, how long did your child have it?

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My daughter has been sick since the middle of the nite. Dr. confirmed its the gastric virus. Just wondering how long your child had symptoms and how long it took for them to feel better again. Her birthday party is planned for this Saturday and I'm unsure if I should cancel it, cancel food and cake and just have it another day. Thanks.




  1. Normally these only last a couple days. By Saturday she might not feel completely herself, but she will probably be ALOT better than she is now! You still might want to move the party to another day, because she would probably enjoy it more if she felt completely better. And also, she could still spread the virus to other kids at the party (especially if there's food), and that could be a disaster! When I got this last, it was from people who had "just gotten over" the virus, but apparently they were still contagious.

  2. Aw, poor thing! I sure hope she is feeling better soon! Usually the worst is over in a couple days, but she may not be feeling like herself for a week or so. I would err on the side of caution and move her party to another day when she is feeling better and can truly enjoy the festivities. Also, you wouldn't want to take the chance of either her picking up another bug or possibly passing hers on to someone else.

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