
My daughter has to have surgery at Valley Children's Hospital?

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Hi Thanks for looking at my question, my daughter has to have surgery at Valley children's hospital in Fresno Ca. My question is do you know of a way to get a discount at a hotel the doctor wants us to stay close to the hospital for 2 weeks after surgery because of the chance of bleeding.




  1. Do they have a Ronald McDonald House or Fisher House near the hospital? If they do, the doctor can refer you. Their rates are very reasonable, I think, they are based on the ability to pay.

  2. contact ronald mcdonald house and see if they have a place in the area you can stay at.

  3. Talk to the social worker/case manager for your daughter and they should be able to direct you somewhere. Lots of hospitals have Ronald McDonald houses or Fischer Houses where parents of sick children can stay for very little cost.  good luck.

  4. The others have given great advice so I'll just add a little.  Call a nearby hotel, quite often if they are close to a hospital they do offer discounts as long as you doctor will provide a note saying that it is necessary for you to be close by.

    Good luck to you and your daughter, I hope all goes well.

  5. They do have a Ronald Mcdonald house at that hospital. I know that they also have free RV space available. But yes, ask the Dr and they will be able to point you in the right direction. I used to volunteer at this hospital. It is a very good one and your child will receive great care. Hope everything turns out ok.  

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