
My daughter has to take a food to school that starts with the first letter of her name-- E.. any food ideas?

by Guest62712  |  earlier

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My daughter has to take a food to school that starts with the first letter of her name-- E.. any food ideas?




  1. Well, eggplant is defiently out as I know the kids'll not eat it.

    How about :


    egg salad

    elephant ears cookies  (cookies shaped like elephants w/ big  

                                              ears and decorated to look so)

    eyeball gummies


  2. Egg salad sandwhich?  Eggplant, endive, eggroll, eskimo pie, escargo, eclairs, english muffins, elbow macaroni, eggnog, enchiladas, earl gray tea, edamame, edam cheese, eel, elderberry, elk, esrom cheese, etouffee a l'etouffee, evoporated milk, empanada, eulachon, european turbot, maybe you could used enriched foods (like certain brands of bread), ewe?...does it have to be in english?  There are lots of spanish e foods...ebutidos, ensalada, escalape, esparragos, estofado, espinacas...or maybe french? eau is water...ecrevisse, emissole, encornet, entrecote, entremets, epinard...I can't think of anymore.

  3. eggplants,


    Eskimo pies


  4. In the frozen food section you can get frozen Eclairs.

  5. I am a teacher, and I would  question such a stupid assignment. What, I wonder , is this suppose to teach a child.   Edame  soybeans are used in McDonald's salads.   And there is eggplant.  But, what is the purpose of this  nonsense ??

  6. english Toffee bars

    eggs (fried or hard boiled)

    eggplant torte  (egg and eggplant)

    enchilada - a traditional Mexican dish

    ensure milk

    ensaymada - muffin topped with cheese


    This is the recipe for empanada:

    1/2 lb Maple Leaf PRIME ground chicken 250 g

    1 tbsp Butter 15 ml

    1/2 cup Chopped Onion 125 ml

    2 tbsp All-purpose flour 30 ml

    1/2 cup Milk 125 ml

    3 tbps Chopped ripe olives 45 ml

    1/4 cup Raisins chopped 50 ml

    1 tsp Worcestershire sauce 5 ml

    1 tsp Chicken boullion powder 5 ml

    1/8 tps Hot pepper sauce 0.5 ml

    3 to 4 Double pie crust pastry 3 to 4

    1. Heat butter in frying pan. Add onion. Saute until partially cooked.

    2. Add chicken. Scramble-fry until no pink remains.

    3. Mix in flour. Stir in milk until it boils and thickens. Remove from heat.

    4. Add next 6 ingredients. Stir together.

    5. Roll pastry. Cut into 3 inch (7.5 cm) rounds. Place 1 tsp. (5 ml) chicken mixture in center of each. Moisten half of outside edge with water. Fold over. Press with fork tines to seal. Bake in 400°F (200°C) oven for 15 to 20 minutes until browned. Serve hot. MAKES 4 1/2 to 5 DOZEN

    If you introduce an exotic dish, it would be cool. Try the recipe above.

  7. Elephant Apple ? xDD Thats the only think I can think of besides Egg and eggplant (neither or which I think children would enjoy).

  8. eggs,enchiladas egg plant, egg roles, empanadas

  9. eggrolls, enchaladas, empanadas (a spanish dessert), eggplant, empty calory cookies (ok, i made that up, but who says you can't), elephant cake (make the cake into the shape of an elephant face) or elephant pies/p**p (no-bake cookies.  my friends called them monkey p**p, but you can call them elephant p**p---little kids love that).  ok, it's getting late.  these are getting weirder and weirder.  good luck, though!

  10. How about Eclair Cake?  Not the healthiest thing in the world, but it's a no-bake recipe and your child could help put it together with you:

    Eclair Cake

    14 servings  

    2 (3 1/2  ounce) packages vanilla instant pudding mix  

    1 (8  ounce) container frozen whipped topping, thawed  

    3  cups milk  

    1 (16  ounce) package graham cracker squares  

    1 (16  ounce) package prepared chocolate frosting  

    In a medium bowl, thoroughly blend the pudding mix and milk.

    Fold in cool whip.

    Arrange a single layer of graham cracker squares in the bottom of a 13x9 inch baking pan.

    Evenly spread half of the pudding mixture over the crackers.

    Top with another layer of crackers and the remaining pudding mixture.

    Top with a final layer of graham crackers.

    Spread the frosting over the entire cake up to the edges of the pan.

    Cover, and chill at least 4 hours before serving.

  11. You could go with eggs, or you could go with some fried eggplant.  I say go with eggplant fried for some reason I have been craving it yet I have not eaten it in 3 years but its pretty tasty.  Go with that one if they are going to share its healthy and it tastes good.

  12. eggos

  13. Eels

  14. if nothing else...non-peanut sandwiches in shapes of E!

    or shaped like elephant, eagle, emu

    -English Muffin

    -Ego Waffles<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Simple, Quick, Stackable!

    -Energy bars

    -Entemann's bakery goods

  15. elk, eel, egg, eggplant, you got me

  16. How about Empty Calories... (Junk food) lol just kidding.  How about she brings hard boiled eggs and the kids could color them?  I don't think that would be a very good snack though.  If you wanted something sweet you could do elephant ears (like the fair does)  just use some dough, fry it. and sprinkle some sugar on it.

  17. easter candy, eggs. I have to admit not trying to sound Caddy  the first thing that came to mind was e coli but that is plain wrong.

  18. eclair

  19. egg meat. its yummyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

  20. eggplant

  21. eggs (chocolate)


    egg custard


    english muffins

  22. e coli

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