
My daughter has vampire teeth.?

by Guest59949  |  earlier

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no kidding she was born with sharp canine teeth,. not quite as sharpe as the vampires you see in the movies..but quite noticable.. but she don't want them to be fixed..has any of you ever had those type of canine teeth..and where happy with them




  1. Mine came in really sharp and pointy, but they have rounded off now, they dont look sharp anymore, i think its completley normal for them to come in sharp ive seen loads like it.

  2. It is not uncommon for people to be unhappy with the appearance of their canines. It is possible to reshape them using equilibration. Talk to your dentist if you're interested. It's cheap and you don't have to pull anything. You may want to ask for a referal to a cosmetic dentist.

  3. i have my teeth like that to and theres nothing to worry about

  4. I would get them removed if they are causing her distress

    But if she likes them Just leave them they might drop out soon

  5. I have pointed canines and I thinks that's what makes my smile. When I went to dental school, I was surprised that not everyone's was like that. And actually, you can get them filed down at the dentist's office. It's a cosmetic thing. I happen to like them though.

  6. i have vampire teeth too! I'm perfectly happy with mine. Alot of people in my school think that they're cool.

  7. wow i have never heard of that before

  8. Your daughter came out of the womb with Teeth? And how do you know she doesn't want them fixed. She talks straight from the womb too? I would sleep with a wooden stake under my pillow!

    On the serious side. I have never heard of that before.

  9. is it an adult or milk tooth?, if adult tooth, it appears big as it appears in mouth with its final size (tooth dosnt grow in size after it appears) while jaw is still small, after growth of teh jaw bones, the tooth will be suitable in size to the adult arch, being malposed dosnt mean it cant be corrected, its simpler than u think, some braces for short time will do it, or even some removable appliance, contact me for more details, follow the link to see how it can be improved

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