
My daughter hasnt....?

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had her first boyfriend or first kiss yet....shes 13....and no im not reading her diary or anything, we actually share these things. So shoulod i be concerned? i know she is...




  1. Wait until she's 16. At this age, kids have CRUSHES.

  2. i am 14, i just got my first kiss saturday night. its fine, i am at a medium popularity level. it doesnt show a lack of social skills by any means. shes normal, jeesh.

  3. its perfectly normal

  4. it doesnt matter! im 12 and i havent had a boyfriend! she is lukky to have u! most rents want their kids locked up away frum boyz!

  5. I wouldn't, in fact, feel blessed by that. I was one of the girls who... didn't wait to get into boys, I got side tracked; some of my friend's got side tracked by boys as well, some didnt. A good friend of mine, who was very beautiful, didnt get her first kiss till she was 17. She's doing very well and in a great relationship! Not that I'm that bad off either, been married since august :P(I'm 25 now) I guess what I'm saying is, everyone does everything in their own time.

  6. o please.

    she's 13? you should be happy.

    just let her be herself. if you push her about guys she could just get pissed off and just get some random boyfriend.  you would rather her take a little longer to get a boyfriend, but actually have a nice guy who cares about her then get some quick bf and he not treat her well or anything right?

    dude she is 13 just chill. when she is 20, be concerned.

  7. there is nothing wrong with that i was 14 and never had a boyfriend or kiss before. sometimes the longer you wait the better the first relationship is.

  8. No dont be concerned be grateful she isnt one of this teenagers that are going out at 13 and having s*x. You are very luckly that you two talk and are open hopefully that will help her not be in such a hurry to grow up. While I had my first boyfriend at 13. My best friend didnt have a boyfriend until she was 16 and she (in my opinion) was more developed, prettier, and nicer than me. She may be concerned but the best thing you can do is reassure her that when the time is right the right guy will come along and she still has plenty of time to date.

  9. No be thankful...........My daughter was always a beautiful girl and very popular at school but she didnt get interested in the guys till she hit 9th grade and now she is almost 16 and I feel we have lost our phone because she is always on it with them and she has started dating.  It was so much simpler before.

  10. DO NOT be concerned. You should be Extremely happy!!! 13 year olds don't need the stress of boyfriends, anyways, plus they only get their feelings hurt. Let her know that there will be plenty of time for boyfriends in high school, or when the time is right. You should be happy she isn't one of those girls in the adolescent section who is 13 and pregnant! Tell her don't rush herself!!

  11. Thank your lucky stars!!!!!  Do you really want her pregnant by 16 or something????  Lots of my (perfectly normal) nieces and nephews haven't had boy/girlfriends until college.  Relax and let her grow up at her own rate.   Preferably slowly!

  12. She is still a child she doesn't NEED a boyfriend or a kiss she is too young!

  13. no this is good

    she can come to u as a bestfriend & teach her how to be a lady

  14. Be greatful, at least you know what she is up too.  Give her reasurance that she is beautiful and that the good guys are waiting until she is older and even more beautiful to ask her out.  Celebrate her independence and encourage her self esteem.

  15. No, not at all.  Either she just hasn't hit that stage yet or she just doesn't have that kind of thing as a priority at this point in life nearly like some of her peers do.  I at least know that the latter case is quite survivable even into your 20's, or I wouldn't be here right now.

    Society thinks there's something wrong with you if you're not obsessed with boys, dating, kissing, or. . . anything more serious than kissing. . . by that age -- I know, I was there not THAT many years ago.  If that's not who she feels like she is right now, just support her and make sure she knows that there's nothing wrong with being "different" here.  Just get her to relax about it and make sure she's got something else she's interested in to do and/or some like-minded friends to hang out with, and it'll all work out however it's supposed to.  Just don't let her try to rush it if you can.

  16. I would not be concerned.  I am 23 and really haven't had a steady boyfriend or been kissed.  I have some friends who are boys.  I really don't feel like I was ready for a relationship until college, and now I feel if and when it happens it will be the right time.  But at 13, I would not want my child dating.

  17. OMG!!!

    I just barely got my first kiss this year....


    but i've had boyfriends since junior high...

    Let her go her speed... b/c the first time she kisses a boy has to be with 'the right one' because i kno you kno that you don't want her to waste that special first kiss with someone that doesn't deserve it

    (if this makes any sense.... sry... it's kinda late... lol)

  18. No. I'm 21 and only had my first boyfriend at 19.

    There is to much pressure on girls to get boyfriends etc quickly.

  19. Okay parent, this is ONE area where you do NOT want your daughter to be ahead of her peers; that is, unless you LIKE the idea of her being a teen parent and you getting to raise your own grandchild.  Get a grip and let her be a child!!!  You should be glad she isn't interested in this yet; and you should be glad, also, that she chooses to share this with you.  Give her a big hug and tell her you love her and want her to advance at her own pace (not at YOURS).

  20. Im not sure why this would concern you. 13 is not a kissing age, and is not really an age you should have boyfriends. the ones who have boyfriends and are making out at 13 are the ones who get curious with s*x ALOT earlier. please dont worry about this. let her take her time, and a boy that she would possibly like to date will come along at his time when it is right. Dont rush her, this is ok.

  21. Most moms would not want a 13 year old girl to have a boyfriend, let alone be kissing a boy.  

    So, are you the mom, or the worried 13 year old?

  22. No, you shouldn't be concerned. That's ridiculous. I didn't have my first boyfriend until I was 17. It's no big deal. I know two very beautiful girls who are in their 20s and still have had no boyfriends. It's not a big deal.

  23. No! I can't understand why this would concern you. Your daughter can move at her own pace! If she hasn't found the right boy to kiss, or doesn't feel comfortable kissing anyone - why should she?? My daughter is only four but I couldn't imagine wanting her to be out kissing boys until she's 16!

  24. Well, I'm 18 and I've never had a girlfriend either. Is your daughter concerned? Tell her not to be, she's still got plenty of time to kiss, have boyfriends, and have s*x.

  25. Well it is nothing to worry about depending on how your daughter decides to act in her life decides when and if she has a boyfriend.  I am only 2 years older than her and there is nothing for you two to get concernerd about I have had neither aalso it will all work out in the end.  Guys are probably just afraid of being turned down.

  26. some people get bfs and gfs at different ages and are more shy around da opposite s*x

  27. no u shouldnt be concerned. i am 12 never had first kiss yet alone a boyfriend. plus i know tons of 8th graders at my school who are 14 and have never had a boyfriend.

  28. Um, hello? A thirteen-year-old girl does not need a boyfriend. I am eighteen and I have never had a boyfriend nor been kissed; that is perfectly okay. If you're the parent and you're teaching her that romance and s*x are the most important things to strive for in life, you're just setting her up for major problems down the road. Encourage her to make a lot of regular friends and to do well in school--those are the most important things to do for her right now, not trying to get a boyfriend. You shouldn't be concerned and neither should she.

  29. Don't worry mom!!!lol I'm 14 years old and i just had my first real boyfriend a few months ago.  I think it's a good thing because would u rather have a daughter that dates a bunch of guys and making out all the time & u dont know wat type of things she is doing with guys, or one that takes it slow.Taking it slow looks way better than moving to fast. Tell her their is nothing to worry about (i know of 16 year olds that havent had a byfriend yet) she has plenty of time!!!:)

  30. Interesting... most parents are concerned if their daughters HAVE. But no, the best you can do as a mom is tell her not to worry. If you're concerned, she will be. I didn't get my first kiss until I was 14. She's got a ways to go. Just be lucky she's not going out and kissing the first boy she sees. Remind her that it should be special.

  31. Concerned about what??  You want your daughter to start being physical with a boy at 13?
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