
My daughter in law is 6weeks & a few days pregnant?

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She is saying her belly is getting big & she says its getting harder and is real tired. Is she just excited about becoming pregnant or are these things really happening so early?




  1. First:  It's "delusional."

    Some women experience fatigue and bloating even early on in the pregnancy; if she's a small person, it's going to show up quickly.

    I think it's interesting that you CARE whether it's "real" or not; if it's real to her, then it's all the "real" it needs to be.  Envious, much?

  2. I understand her being tired.  That is definitely a huge part of erly pregnancy.  As for her belly getting bigger, while its most likely bloating and a bit of additional weight, she very well could start seeing some change.  Especially if she is thin

    Congratulations Grandmommy!!

  3. She's probably just excited, I remember everytime I thought I was pregnant, I would get sick and feel all these crazy symptoms. She's just excited. : )

  4. It is really happening. The physical concerns for pregnancy are heartburn, gaining weight, constipation, tiredness,bloating, fatigue, discomfort of your stomach,etc.

  5. When I first got pregnant and found out (6weeks and 5 days) I was extremely tired (felt like I could just fall over), but I don't think it was big or hard yet, but I was a little over weight so hard to say.

  6. tired, most likely true.  belly getting bigger and harder...well it's possible.  it depends how well she knows her body and what her body type is (as an example, if she is really thin and not very muscular).  

    i remember feeling a fullness/hardness in my lower belly by 8-10 weeks.  either way, whether it's true or just wishful thinking, support her and be excited with her.

  7. Both... I am sure she is excited.. the feeling tired, definately.  But you get very bloated... so compared to what she is used too, to her, it is happening.  She'd excited.. let her talk.. let her go on & on... it's better than if this was a bad thing.

  8. Depends on her size.. my cousin was showing at about 2 months.  And tiredness is an early sign due to the horomones.

  9. Tired she will be forsure for the first few months..but the rest i dunno some girls get that way.

  10. shes just excited

  11. It could be that her due date isn't right and she is further along then she thought. The fact that she is tired is completely normal even at 6 weeks. There is a lot going on in her body and it is enough to make anyone tired.

  12. It could be that she is exited, but its normal for those things to happen very early in the pregnancy, with my first pregnancy my belly started growing the first month and my breast got huge, but with the second one i didn't get those symptoms until the 3rd month, so i think its normal for her to those symptoms so early in the pregnancy.

  13. The tiredness is probably real.  

    As for her belly being big, I think it is a bit soon.  It is probably more the bloating and gas than anything else.  

    Congratulations, grandma!

  14. She may be getting gas or bloat, because you bowl tract slows down alot with pregnancy. This may also be causing the hard stomach, I remember that mine felt pretty hard in the beginning and I was so bloated that by about 8 weeks most of my pants did not fit properly. I was exhausted for the first trimester all I wanted to do was sleep, I had no energy what so ever. I don't think she is delusional.

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