
My daughter-in law says she is 11 weeks and the U/s says 7weeks 5 days?

by  |  earlier

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She went yesterday for her first visit everything looked normal doctor said she has a healthy cervix. U/S showes sax with small yok as he said. the dotor said it's showing 7 weeks 5 days and advised her she was going to have an abnormal pregnancy. He wants to perform a d/c he told her to come back tommorow (today) to discuss it. I went with her today and spoke with the doctor and asked several questions she couldn't as she was very upset. She has had irregullar periods for a very long time she told the docotr her last period was march 10 and told me today that the was the day she was supposed to get it her last period was in feb!!!!! she is preganant but not sure how far the docotr is going by what she states her last period was..... What should we do???????




  1. Get a second opinion. If her last period was march 10 and the baby is only showing 7 weeks then the baby can have growth restriction. But before having this D&C done I would go and get a second opinion.

  2. get a second opinion for sure before doing the d/c.  If he doesn't know how far along she is then why would he want to do a d/c.  Is he an OBGYN or a family physician.  See if you can go to a specialist.  A perinatologist specializes in high risk pregnancy and the care of high risk infants.  if he already thinks it an abnormal pregnancy then it would possibly be considered high risk.  Seek a second opinion before being pressured into anything.  Good Luck and I wish you the best!

  3. I would go to another doctor and get a 2nd opinion.

    Good luck to your daughter-in-law!

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