
My daughter is 1 yr old and is almost 11kg.she is 78 cm tall.should i be concerned about her growth?

by Guest59977  |  earlier

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Both my husband and i are of average built, so I am concerned about her growth pattern as she is on the 91st percentile on the weight n height charts for her age.She is always ready to eat whatever she is fed and never says no to food, so I never know when she is full because she keeps opening her mouth. Should I be concerned about anything? She has reached all her milestones till now in time.




  1. Being in the 91st percentile is great... there's nothing to worry about.

  2. If she's growing and thriving then there is absolutely nothing to be worried about.  It sounds like you have a very healthy child, who's a good eater!  congrats!

    Keep up the good work Mommy!

    Good luck!

  3. I would not be concerned. I just took my 16 month old son to the dr and he is 32 inches tall (81.3 cm) and 32 lbs (15 kg). The dr was not concerned at all about his growth. She was very pleased to see how well he was growing. Of course he has always been a big baby. As long as your daughter's height and weight are proportionate to each other, which they are, you have nothing to be worried about. As far as the feeding, try working with her on self feeding so that she can stop whenever she is full. Keep in mind that a toddlers stomach is only the size of her fist. Also if you give a mid-morning snack, a mid-afternoon snack and a mid-evening snack, (all healthy of course) this will help keep up with her metabolism and keep her satisfied without over eating. My husband and I are of average build too but everyone on my side of the family is very tall so even though you are not tall if others in your family are then that could be where your daughter is getting it from. I would not be concerned. She sounds perfectly healthy.

  4. If she has been on the same curve always then there is nothing to worry about. Only worry if she went from like 50-60 percentile to 91. My daughter is the COMPLETE opposite. she is 19 months and 23 pounds and 34 inches. Shes in the 6 percentile and my Doctor says that shes fine. I understand the concern about your child but as long as it doesn't seem like her weight is holding her back from anything and shes happy and the doctors are ok with her then shes ok. Sounds like your a good mom.  

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