
My daughter is 10 and has to do an invention- does anyone have any ideas? I have been very sick this school?

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year and she has fallen a little behind because I haven't always been available to help her. I am getting better but cannot even begin to think about what we should do- the teacher says this will make a big difference in her grade so I want to do something good- I just can't think of anything...




  1. Do something you could use in your life! Or, do something that affects others around you. My little brother made a beeping tennis ball for blind people. Board games are fun and easy to do. When I was 10, I made a multiplication board game that had bunnies. My mom once suggested a car organizer. When is this due?

  2. The whole idea of an "invention" is to make something new and original.  This isn't a science fair, right?

    I'm sure that "Green" projects will be popular this year.

    How about biodegradable doggie doo bags?  So many people pick up after their dogs with plastic, and throwing it away with dog waste is harmful to the environment.  

    Have her do research on what types of materials biodegrade the fastest, and then make a prototype bag out of the material.  (Look up how to make homemade paper).

    Maybe take it one step further and put grass or flower seeds in the bag material so that plants will grow once the bag decomposes.

  3. How about a solar oven?  I have heard of baking cookies in a pizza box made to be an oven that uses solar energy.

    check out this

    Good luck and hop you get well.

  4. you could make...

    -a hover craft...with a cd and a ballon

    -do some type of experiment

    -research a famous person and find an invention

    -make duck tape shoes---bubble wrap. a shoe. duck tape (:

  5. OMG!! How cute! When I was younger I did this experiment on carnations.  It's really easy and it's so much fun plus it's very educational I think this would be great.  I put a link to the website where you can get all the instructions hope this helps.

  6. on birds , bird displays i did tht and i won last year !

  7. Compare the density of oil and water and also what happens to corn syrup when you pour it in the water and the oil.

    and what happens to the oil when it is poured in the water. It would be more colorful if the water had a little bit of dye. I am trying to find a link.

    Diet vs. Coke

  8. I had to do an invention for my eighth grade science class. Here's my experience:

    My teacher said that inventions usually come about when people have a problem. If the problem is external, they often need a specific object to help solve that problem. If an object has never been made to address that problem before, the item you make to solve the problem is an invention.

    Brainstorm with your daughter about little things that bother you around the house. Do your groceries roll around the car when you bring them home? Do you often forget to turn off the lights when you leave the house? Do you have trouble folding clothes just right?

    Seeing as she's only ten, your problem (and thus her invention) will have to be something simple. For my project, I thought about how annoyed I got when the graphite of my pencils stained my pencil case--so I made some cloth covers for the pencils tips. Honestly, it really can be something this small. They're not expecting anyone's invention to be ingenious or world-changing, just unique.

    Happy brainstorming!

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