
My daughter is 10 weeks old what tips does anyone have for helping her to go to sleep?

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My daughter is 10 weeks old what tips does anyone have for helping her to go to sleep?




  1. Rock her

    Sing to her

    Give her a bottle


    She's 10 this age they still like lots of snuggles...

    It used to take me hours sometimes of singing and rocking to get my son to he drinks a bottle in my arms and he's asleep in ten minutes...he's 16 months...

  2. Rock her in a rocking chair.

  3. warm milk worked for my little one and shes been sleepin all nite since just after xmas shes 19 weeks now

  4. Bottle of milk, quiet room, dark room, bath, cuddle etc

  5. lol, read lots of baby books, try everything they suggest even though it won't work, and by the time you finish doing that she'll be slightly older and will have figured it out for herself!

    seriously, some kids just don't sleep too well until 3 or 4 months (or later), at which point they're likely to get it on their own as long as you have a soothing and predictable routine for putting her down.  putting a baby down awake and letting it cry itself to sleep does work for many families, but most people will say 10 months is still too young for that, and i can say that when i tried it with my kids when they were a little older it worked with some but not with my first, who would keep screaming her head off for hours night after night.

  6. Hello there,

    I'm Wayne and i will be glad to help you :)

    You can try giving her warm milk at night time (babies love to drink milk and since there small, they will fall asleep) this is what one of my friend does and his 11 week old sleeps like a baby ;)

    Hope i can help again!

    wayne (AKA) Mr.greengene

  7. Get a routine going -

    warm bath, bottle, cuddle, story, darkened room, bed.

    Keep it all calm and soothing and this will help relax her.

    She will soon pick up on the trigger for the routine and that will put her in a frame of mind to go to sleep.

  8. PRAY!! daughter is 12 weeks and sleeping is not existing in my patient.. my 18 month old was the same...she didnt start sleeping full nights till 6 months.

  9. From Experience, the wife started feeding baby ceral to our kids about the time they were this old (maybe even alot earlier)...   It seemed to make them tired and they would also sleep better and longer

  10. My son is 8 months. After trying everything else I finally figured Lavender bath, baby massage with bedtime oil, breast/bottle feed then a five min cuddle. Make sure you put her down awake but sleepy, if she seems unsettled place your hand on her tummy and gently hush her. You may have to go up a few times for the first few days then she will learn to get herself to sleep. Is only thing that worked with son now i just need to find a way to stop him waking at 5am thinkin its morning!

  11. All you need is ROUTINE give her her bath at the same time every night and if she dose not like taken her cloths off put her in the bath with her vest on and slowly remove it. feed her and put her to bed and before you go to bed dream feed her by this i mean pick her up but don't wake her and feed her wind her and put her back to bed and she will sleep all night this works i did this with my little boys one of 3years and one of 2 years. they both went through the night from 4 weeks old. and an other never wake a sleeping baby even if she is sleeping through her routine let her wake and than start her routine a sleeping baby is a growing baby i would never ever wake my boy for any think or any body good luck.

  12. Put a small clock that ticks near her crib. The sound will remind her of your heartbeat and comfort her...keep her wrapped up tight. I dont know of it'll work, but my mother did it for me, and my sister did it for her kids and it helped.

  13. Babies that age like to feel secure...wrap her up in a blanket like swaddled so her arms are in. I had real trouble getting my little boy to nap until my mum showed me how to wrap him up like that and he slept for about 2 1/2 hours and I'd never seen him look as content while sleeping.

    I got my little boy to sleep through the night from 5 weeks old.

  14. warm milk works...even for me..

  15. keep a continiuos tap on the bottom while humming a song over and over so she gets used to it. then everytime it is time for her to go to sleep and you do the same repetitious thing she will know it is time for bed. father of five.

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