
My daughter is 11months as of July 12 she still doesn't have any teeth?

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She has had a runny nose for 5 days now and is EXTREMELY fussy. Also when is the normal age for them to start walking? She has takin her first 2 steps, but not walking yet




  1. ok that is ok that she has no teeth mine was 14 months before she got her first one and the doctor said it is fine they are stronger if they stay in longer

    then with walking she is fine on that also but by 15 months if she is still not walking then ask the doctor is what i was told

  2. It is okay that she doesn't have any teeth yet. Look in her mouth to see if her gums are red and swollen which would indicate her teeth are coming in. Usually babies will start to walk between 12-14 months (obviously others start sooner).

  3. Everybody is really different. I think that you're right-- her teeth are coming in. Being really fussy, clear runny nose and lots of drooling is classic. Make sure she has some popsicles and other cool things for her sore gums.

    Every kid walks at a different time, too. Don't get too hung up on it, okay. If you spend all your time worrying or comparing, you're going to miss enjoying this glorious summer with your baby. She's fine.

    She may enjoy you rubbing her sore gums for her with your finger. It can help her cut through, so if she'll let you rub them, try that.

  4. Don't worry about the walking.  The doctors say as long as they're walking by 18 months, they don't worry.  Just because it takes one child longer than another doesn't mean there is something wrong.  Sometimes it has to do with heredity, sometimes with the child's personality.  My daughter is pretty easy going, and she was in no rush to walk.  And she wasn't actually walking until she was 15 months old.

    Sounds like she could be teething.  You should have a look in her mouth, just to make sure.  You'll either see a raised spot, or maybe even a bit of tooth poking through.  I know with my daughter she got the fussiest when the tooth was just breaking through.  And then she would stay a little fussier than normal until it was totally in.

    I always used baby oragel and Tylenol on her, they seemed to help a lot.

    My daughter has had one tooth come through since she's been diabetic, and I know it made her blood sugars go up.  Pain will do that.  So expect it to be higher than normal, and then to drop down again once the pain is over.  That's another reason the Tylenol might be good ... it will help keep her blood sugars down too.

    Are you sure she's not sleeping all the time because her blood sugars are high?  That will make my daughter sleep more.

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