
My daughter is 13. Disturbing message on answering machine?

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I came home to find a message on my home phone. It was my daughters "boyfriend". He said, " I was just calling to talk, call me when you get my message, Love you, bye!" What is up with that?? LOVE YOU??? I never said that at that age! Why would he say that when her dad or myself might retrieve the message?




  1. I agree its silly for a 13yr old to think they are in love, but cant you remember saying those corny things when you were young? I do agree that it is a little brave for him to leave it for the entire family to hear lol talk to your daughter about what love is and what she thinks may be love at 13 b/c you want to have a open line of communication dont be on the negitive side though

  2. i think you're worrying a little too much!

    times have changed, there's no way in today's day and age that you can compare your relationship to that of your daughters.

    Besides, you should be impressed he's so caring!

    He obviously thinks a lot about your daughter.

    Also you may want to consider that the term "love you" has become more casual and perhaps means less than it used to!

  3. it is propably not love in the sense of what aduls consider love. Just chat with her. kids are more open with their feelings now

  4. come on, now rlly ur just freaking out boyfriends and girlfriends always say that

  5. i would not worry at sister and her friends girls and guys say love you after they had only known each other 2 weeks it really is just a word to them and as someone else said i would have the talk with her soon..but it means nothing

  6. i say love you to to someone i even just meet.

    dont stress

    maybe just ask her/

  7. Love you is a very generic term that has several meanings. I am 31 and I say love you to my girl friends when we are joking around. I say love you to my kids at bed time and I say love you to my husband. Each time it's in a different context. I'd take it as puppy love and keep an eye on anything that deems worthy of "the talk".  

  8. dont think much of it sunny, its just young puppy love. theyre just kids having fun. however, you should talk to her about s*x because trust me, kids are having s*x and doing sexual things younger and younger these days.  

  9. Most kids that age don't know the true meaning of love. It's all puppy love. It may just be a natural thing (he probably hears that kind of thing other places). Unless he starts talking about s*x or something, I wouldn't worry about it. These days are a lot different than when you were her age.

  10. there young they dont know how powerful those words are.......... forget about it...

  11. Sunny, please don't freak! Kids throw that around a lot when they're younger and don't really mean it.

    People still mean it now...stupid boyfriend who breaks up with you just TWO DAYS after you make love....

    But don't worry.

  12. No I would not freak out. While that is forward so many kids use the term "Love you" casually that it doesn't mean nything.  

  13. Kids these days throw the word love around like we use "see ya". I wouldn't be too concerned.  I would tell her all about being in love though so that she can distinguish the feelings.  and Dj is right, if she has a "boyfriend" you should discuss s*x with her because kids are doing things younger and younger.  Around my house it is oral s*x at 13 so that the girls can still be virgins!

  14. ok, first the message isn't "disturbing"  it's sweet!  Besides, I don;t know how old you are, but whe ni was 13, (and I am 31)  we said LOVE YOU  every other week tro a new boy!  And as far as asking why he would say that if you could get the message, come on,..  he is 13... he isn't thinking about YOU!  He is in love this week!  Let it be.  It's puppy love!

    FYI:  My mom toldme only about a year ago, if she liked a boy I was seeing, she actedlikeshe hated him, if she hated him, she acted like she loved him.  I asked her why,  She told me that If she loved a boy, she would act like she hated him because that would make me stick with him.  If she hated him, she acted like she loved him, because no kid wants to have a boyfriend their parents liked!!  She was right!  She acted like she hated my hubby for 2 years.  Turns out, I stuck with him and he is amazing!  Use reverse psychology!

  15. Ok, about to be unpopular with the others who've answered here.  I think that you should talk with her and explain that love is a strong emotion.  While it may be that kids now are saying it like it's nothing, it doesn't make it ok.  Telling a guy you love him opens you up to the "If you really loved me........" argument.  Besides telling someone you love them should really mean something.  You need to talk to both of them and explain that it makes you uncomfortable and why.  I did it with my son and his "girlfriend".  I said "It is ok to like each other more than any other boy or girl, but you are too young to understand a romantic love.  You can be best friends and care about each other, but I prefer we not call it love."  My son was fine with it, his girlfriend wasn't.  She moved out of state a few months ago and my son is fine, got over her.

  16. I wouldn't worry about it.I'm 14, and I actually say "Love you" more to my friends then to my boyfriends. It doesn't mean we're IN love. With my friends it's Love ya like a sis, Love ya like a bro, Love ya in a friendly not compassionate way. And with my boyfriends, just because I say "Love you", doesn't mean I think I'm gonna marry the guy, or do things I'll regret later.

    Just talk to your daughter if it really bothers you. Trust what she says. If you raised her right she'll make good decisions no matter what. Don't let a little "Love you" keep you from sleeping at night.

  17. I, MYSELF am 13 years old and I mean...these days kids are wayyyy different than back LUV YA doesn't mean that much. We say that ALL THE doesnt mean we MEAN it everytime we SAY it. It's not a big deal. [:

  18. i know i am a mom of 12. yes 12.i know exactly what your going through. at the age of 13 the don't get what love means or that its such a big deal. but that does show that he has a heart. espacaily guys.

  19. Does she have a cell phone to leave a message on? If not, that's probably why. Believe me though, it's probably nothing more than a 2 month "relationship". Most teenagers in their middle school years "fall in love" with another guy every two weeks. Don't think much of it. But keep in mind, teenagers, especially a little bit older teenagers, are very, very sneaky. (Did you know that 52% of teenagers ages 15-19 reported having s*x at least once?)

    Good luck :)

  20. its what everyone says now days let it go

  21. you're WAY too overprotective. love is used now a days like we say, "hi!" or "see ya, bie!"

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