
My daughter is 13 and had s*x with her 16 year old boyfriend do you think its okay?

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Shes very young but shes in 10th and so is her boyfriend, last night her sister saw her talking about s*x with him when me and my husband leave this week is that okay should i stop it i know she is a growning women but i feel like if i dont let her see him she'll have a better reason to hid stuff from me. Im very young i adpotted her when she was 7 im only 31 and i remember being her age and hiding stuff from my mom do you think i should put her on a pill and let her talk to her sister whos her twin? Im so lost i dont want her getting pregnet my husband doesnt agree with me he doesnt want his little girls even thinking about s*x but there in a high school atmishear = ] please aim= Colombiababby i know what a young girl aim my daughters made it




  1. No she should not be having s*x at 13 and she should not even have a 16 year old boyfriend.  I would talk to his parents and let them know that you don't want their son having s*x with your daughter because she's a little girl and if she starts now you won't be able to stop her.

  2. its not good, keep a close eye on here, cause if she goes around having s*x then she could get anything from an std to an unplanned pregancy, plus if you let her do such things then she might go around doing even more hazardous things, so be firm, and even if she says " i hate you", she will come around to thank you for stopping her.

  3. Well, that is very young. However, if she's already doing it, I think your best bet is to get her on the pill ASAP and tell her to always  wear a condom. If she's going to be having s*x, teach her to do so responsibly.

  4. yeah at 13 I hid stuff from my mom too....but not having s*x!!!  She is not ready for that and shame on you for thinking it is!!!  Girls will be girls, but maybe you should teach her to respect herself a little bit more. Also, a sixteen year old can get arrested for statutiry rape!

  5. awkward conversation but you NEED to have it. Better she gets help from you and is SAFE about it because she's gonna have s*x whether you approve or not and it might as well be safe right?

  6. go along with your husband.  good greif she is 13 in 10th grade he is 16 in 10th grade shouldnt he be in a higher grade than that?  you are nuts if you let her have s*x.

  7. Wow, I'm 13 and the last thing I'll be planning out is having s*x. If you were my mother, I'd want you to at least let me be safe about it and let me live my life. So, I think you should give her the pill, let her sister talk to her and try not to bring it up too much. I'll be mad if my mother was getting too much into my business. Just let her be safe and if she's happy, then you should be too.

  8. It's not okay, making out is okay, but s*x is not. PUT AN END TO THIS. I'm concerned for her. people have been addicted to s*x.

    The more times she has s*x, he more times she wants to. s*x is for married couples NOT teens.

  9. No, I'd also call the police and get a restraining order on the boyfriend.  Your response to our answers is very poor.  Her just telling you she will not do it anymore is not a good enough solution.  She will become pregnant if this is your solution and how you handle things in the future.

  10. No way! she shouldn't be allowed... why would you even allow her to go out with someone three years older than her regardless if they are in the same grade... it's really stupid. She is not a women she is a child who has womanly qualities

  11. If you put her on the pill she will think its ok to have s*x at such a young age and its not. Just talk to her about it and tell her s*x is not a good thing to be doing at that age and s*x is dangerous with all those STD's flying around everywhere and just educate her and have a mother daughter talk and try to connect and understand everything from where shes coming from

  12. Wow shes smart. No, she shouldn't if this is how you react she will think that you are weak and that she can get away with anything. Rather she hides things from you or not you are the adult and you have to show your authority.....and this is coming from a 14 year =P Good luck and make the right choice!!

  13. are you freaking nuts? 13 year old chicks arent supposed to be banging ANYONE (cept me :D) ecpessically a freakin 16 year old perv. any 16 year old that wants some from a 13 year old is a freak

  14. no definitely not, i'm 14 and i'm a virgin, my sister is 16 and she's a virgin, my cousin is 19 and she's married now but as far as i know she's a virgin and maybe all that proves is that my family's pure but still. why is she even dating someone 3 years older than her???

  15. First off she is far from being a woman. She is way too young for s*x. Have some control. Your the parent don't be afraid to set limits. That is your job. Your husband is correct, follow his lead.

    EDIT: You are the thirteen year old aren't you?

  16. For being 31 and mother of 2...your spelling is horrible!  So is your judgement in even considering that it's okay for a 13 yr old to have unprotected s*x

  17. Way.  Too.  Young.  All I can say.  Don't you let that happen, I would make her break it off with him faster than you could say hopscotch.  She would never see that boy AGAIN.  She could get herself really hurt doing that at such a young age.

  18. ya its not ok if she gets pregnant so maybe u should talk 2 her boyfreind and see what kinda guy he is if hes the kind who's only into having s*x with her then thats when u have a problem otherwise give her a break shes being a teenager let her have her fun ( make sure he wears a condum)

  19. No, it is too early for her to be doing that. Sit her down and talk to her about it. Yes at her age she is just beginning to experience sexual feelings, but that does not mean it is okay to act on them. She is still too young to understand the depth and impact of actual s*x. Try telling her you know what shes going through and you don't want her to hide stuff but you really want her to respect herself because she is such a wonderful young girl. Suggest experimenting other ways, but really emphasize the importance of holding off on s*x until marriage. If you need to get extreme, explain how her reputation could be seriously changed by that decision... Girls could dislike her and call her a ****, not wanting to be her friend because boys may prefer her due to her choices. Boys could try to take advantage of her viewing her as an easy target to get what they want. Don't be afraid to be honest with her. It is the best solution most times. Also, be open with her about other subjects. Her age is a time when she may want to try drinking, drugs, and an array of other things you definitely don't want her doing. Tell her what is bad about them. Tell her you want her to be honest with you, that if she does do them and gets herself in a bind you will have her back but you want to be able to trust her to not do them.

    You may be young but I'm sure you make a fine mother

  20. hmm... well. Since it already happened.. theres nothing you can really do about it.

    You might want to talk to her and just find out why she did it? Was she pressured?

    A lot of girls are in such a big hurry to grow up.

    Honestly, i don't see why anythings wrong with them having s*x, as long as they used the proper protection.

    I definatly think you should talk to her about it though.

  21. she is entirely too young to be having s*x. you need to step up, stop questioning yourself and be a mom not your daughter's friend.

  22. You should definitely talk to her about it, it will be embarrassing but, has to be done. You can't stop her from having s*x, its her choice, but you can put her on the pill, and make her aware of everything. i would sit both girls down(with out daddy, of corse) and have a talk about s*x, and talk about  how they think about going on the pill, this will show them your open minded with them, so they're not going to go off doing stuff.

  23. You  need to stop letting your child run around unsupervised with her boyfriend, first of all. Then neither you or your husband will have to worry that she is off having s*x. Second of all, yes, you should put her on the pill, to protect her from an unwanted pregnancy because yes, kids do sneak around. Third, no, it is not ok that your 13 year old is having s*x with a 16 year old.

  24. one of the dumbest and nastiest questions i have ever heard. what state do you live in where they would let you adopt a child. shes 13, thats way to young to be having s*x.

  25. Stop it stop it give her the pill if u dont want her 2 hide stuff but dont let her have s*x!!! stop it shes crazy if ure a gud mother ull stop it cuz if she doez it shell have regretz later on

  26. ok first of all make sure she doesn't do it it is great that u don't want her pregnet but u don't want to encourage her to have s*x she should wait until she is older to do it that good that she wont do it yet

  27. You are her Mother not her friend. You need to let her know that if she is going to have s*x that she will be responsible for having a child if she gets pregnant. Make sure that you tell her that you will not let her murder the fetus if she gets pregnant!

  28. I'm having a hard time believing that you are an adult, and one that is educated enough and has enough money to adopt.  Your spelling, grammar, and punctuation are horrible.

    I would think you are the 13 year old.  No it isn't ok.

    EDIT:  Exactly what I thought.. you say you are 14 in another message you just posted.  Your a kid, and it really shows.  Stop being a little troll.

  29. Actually, I don't think it's okay, but my sister did the same thing and it's really hard for me to not say anything because I know she'll get mad, but it really depends on the maturity of your daughter. But I still think it's wrong. People today don't realize the amount of emotions that go into having s*x for the first time.

  30. Well you should talk to her!! maybe take her to the doc pp-hood, Since you know she will have s*x behinde ur back at lest she is going to be safe than sorry!

  31. The age difference isn't a problem but the fact she's 13 and having s*x is not good. Like if she ws 16 and he was 19 I probably wouldn't care. Go watch the movie "Kids"

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