
My daughter is 14mo old..and she wears huggies overnight diapers?

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she pees through them and clothes and everything....the diaper holds so much but she over fills them..b4 morning comes.....what do u suggest?..




  1. I had the same problem with my 14 month old.  I started by not giving her something to drink right before she goes to bed.  I usually start by giving her dinner at 6 and a bath right after that.  She's usually ready to go down by 8:30 PM so I make sure to change her diaper right before I put her in bed and she's usually not soaking wet in the morning.

  2. pampers soaks better. change them the last minute you go to sleep. like you would be sleeping an hour or two after her.

  3. My two year old still wears pampers and he pees thru them at night. But I know that he drinks far too much thruout the day. Limit his liquids and maybe cutoff time for drinking should help!

  4. give her less to drink in the evenings.  Also they use to have these pad things you could buy called diaper doublers.  You might want to look for them, you add one to the diaper and it would help.

  5. Don't give her anything to drink (but maybe a sip) an hour before bed and then change her diaper right before putting her down (if you don't do that already!) Does she wake up in the middle of the night?  If so, change her diaper then also.  Really, if you limit her fluid intake within a few hours of bedtime, that should do the trick.  Good luck!!

  6. You can get diaper doubler's that will hold more from babies' r' us.  You put them in a regular diaper and they absorb more.  They are basically like a big maxi pad.  But they work!  Good luck :-)

  7. Maybe a bigger size?   I noticed at Wal-Mart that have already made a size 6 in the Huggies overnight diaper.

    Sometimes the leaking problem has nothing to do with absorbency but instead there are small gaps (like around the legs)  where it's leaking out.   It could be that her body isn't proportioned right for that diaper.   Some moms swear by one reputable brand and think another very good selling brand is awful.   Pampers and Huggies didn't become such profitable companies because their diapers were awful.    Have you ever tried Pampers Cruisers before?  They may not have the absorbency of Huggies Overnight but they are shaped a little differently.

    Huggies padded portion of the diaper seems to have more of an hourglass shape while Pampers are more rectangular.   I always felt that Pampers are wider in the crotch though.   Sometimes it's those little things that make the difference.

  8. My son had a similar problem.  We bought the next size up diaper for use at night.  Worked like a champ.

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