
My daughter is 16 in 3 weeks (read detail very important)

by Guest56539  |  earlier

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i moved to boston in america for this job but my daughter didnt want to because she as this best friend (a boy) so we agreed to let her go down to the uk every mounth but it's her 16 birthday in 3 weeks and its suppose to be a sweet 16 but i want with out her best friend an d hes not allowed to go come down and my daughter has only got a few friends so i dont know what to do .......... also im not allowed to go to the uk because my job so what shall i do !!!!!!!?????




  1. before you do anything try putting your self on her place.  to check if its fair...  

  2. Please be patiant.. Don't mind any thing.

  3. talk to her about all of this, if you treat her like an adult maybe she will understand more and respect your wishes.

    i dont think it matters that her best friend is a boy. Why don't you let her see her friend at special occasions such as birthdays and christmas etc.

    Tell her also that she's lucky

    any other 16 year old girl would love to live in Boston :)

  4. I say you should have a party at your home, and then let her go back to the UK so that she can celebrate with her old friends... Have two parties, I'm sure that she'll like that!

  5. coulldnt she have two birthdays a special one with just you and her on your own ask her what she wants to do that night and then she could celebrate with her friends afterwards  

  6. Can you repeat that in proper english please, didnt uunderstad any of it >:

  7. hi,only thing i can suggest is let her arrange 2 dates for her 16th, real one with u the other with him ,then she gets 2 bdays xx good luck

  8. part of the reason she probably has few friends is that she is going to uk.

       I realize you love her, but cut those trips back to a lot less and let her learn to adjust to where she must live, if she were working and had to pay for herself, you'd find she would go a whole lot less.

       Millions of kids, go through this and adjust just fine, that is the reality of the situation and spoiling her may cause you more trouble later, when you find your not capable of such extravagance.

        As for her sweet 16, it needn't be a party. Those who's kids haven't got a lot of friends, plan another type of celebration.

        For instance, a few hours at a beauty spay, a very classy restaurant for dinner, maybe a nightout at a dance club (for those her age), or  home for a night party and sleep over, a special type of shopping spree. Maybe bring her friend over for a visit and pay the way for her to show him around, let him meet her friends, pay for them to have a few dinners out, even better surprise her with his arrival.  You know best what your daughter likes or is interested in, there must be much more than mentioned here.

         Why not ask her, what she'd like to do to celebrate it, with her friends.

  9. Cant yr daughters friend make the journey to see her as a surprise? Maybe u cld arrange this as a special birthday present.

  10. why do u do a sweet 16 and then let her go down to the uk for a couple of days to celebrate her birthday with him after. o ask her what she wants

  11. What the smeg are you taking about, try to use grammar next time

  12. Hi,

    I having a bit of trouble understanding this!

    Are you saying that you want her to have her sweet sixteen in America but her best friend can not come down. Then why not have a party in house with her friends in america and then allow her to go on holiday to uk with her best friend and celebrate with her mates.

    She will love it!


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