
My daughter is 18 and pregnant and we live in ny state. what things am i still responsible for her?

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my daughter is 18 and pregnant. do i legaly have the right to charge her rent?




  1. I, along with most other people who answered this question, am a bit apalled that you are even worried about this!!!  I was a mom at 17, and could not have made it without the love and help from my parents.  So she's young, there's worse things that can happen.  No you are not "legally" responsible but come on you are her parent!  Is this the kind of love that you got from your parents??  Think about it, push her away, charge her rent and make her feel more uncomfortable in this voulnerable stage of her life and see what happens.  I guarantee she and more importantly YOUR GRANDCHILD won't turn out as well as they will if you love her, be there for her and help her to be a good mother.  Your daughter needs you right now, whether she's ready to admit it or not, why don't you try to be a mother to her.

  2. at 18 shes legally an adult so its up to you  

  3. Legally - yes. However, you will have to put it on your income statement and you will be taxed on it - there could also be other laws with charging rent, you would have to look into it.

    She is 18, legally an adult and you are not responsible for her - though being a pregnant woman myself, I would have to say that the support of parents is very important and makes things easier , rather than adding unnecessary stress.

    Not saying you should support her financially, I mean emotional support rather than adding stress to her life by charging her for everything.

  4. You want to charge her rent just because she is pregnant??  You're obviously a great parent.

  5. your going to charge her rent after shes going to have a baby??? does she even work??? SELFISH.

    but to answer your question yea shes old enough. Make a contract so she wont say that she didnt know.

  6. Why would you want to charge her rent-especially with her being pregnant.

    Unless its too get back at her.

    I'm not sure if you can charge rent like that since she'd been living with you for how long?

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