My daughter turned 18 in March 08.
I have brought her up with respect and much love. Over a year ago I financed a car for her as she promised me she would make the payments. Well she made a couple in the beginning and the rest was all me. I have tried to sit her down for 7 months to let her know that I cannot afford to keep this up. I have 2 other children and am married to a caring man. I would let her know that we can't afford to go on this way and the car has to go. At the end I even offered to pay her insurance if she could do the rest. She met a boy 3 years her junior and started being very close with some girls in Grade 12 that were known as the "in" group. Drinking, partying, all fun and nothing else.
I would set curfews for her to be home. She was an honor student from grade 4 up to grade 11 then all downhill after that. She used to be in her room up until late doing and studying for exams and doing her homework. All that changed since she mingled with this group. Even school days she would come home late. He marks slipped down and she wanted to drop MAth 12 in which she lied to me and told me she did not need it. She was going into sciences. I know it was my fault because as a child I would give her too much. I found alchohol in her room twice and the first time I found it I told her I do not want it in her room. But she would get this from her friends parents and friends of her "inn" group. It has been hard not only for me but my family to see her to this. She has moved to a house that is a bad influence. Her friends brother was a drop out and took drugs. Her friend drinks as there is no tomorrow as do them all. Her friends Mother does not care as we had the police over here one day and he paid her a visit to that house after she left home and noticed that the Mom had problems as well. And the good news is she is 18 and I can't do anything about this.
WE parents have no laws here that can help us with these situations.
A girl from a loving and caring house rebelling to the point of no return.
I don't think I was wrong in asking her to be home once in a while so We could spend some time together as a family but she would argue with me and swear at me to leave her alone. She was out every night weekends were the best for her because she was out until 2am.
She stopped working for awhile and now taking weekend work only. As far as I know. It has been a week she is gone. She did give me a letter with her feelings in it and telling me she wanted to come home and I did write her one too to let her know how I felt. All I asked her was to stay home once in awhile and concentrate on her school.
Now she can do as she likes as she wont have me telling her to be home and be safe. I am going to seek professional help for this as I need to know how to deal with it. I can't seem to stop crying as I just cant understand how her friends were more important than her family.
I was 18 once too, but I had respect for my parents and never swore at them. Why can't us parents have some kind of law to help us with this when we know for sure they are in the wrong hands. The police tell me she is 18 and can do anything she wants. This is what is the hardest part. I gave her her independance and now she is gone.
Is there anyone out there that can suggest anything to me. As I am reading books and trying to get some answers and have not stopped praying for her to get on the right path again.
Thanks for listening to me.