
My daughter is 20 months I'm debating on putting her into a bed should i do it?

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My daughter is 20 months I'm debating on putting her into a bed should i do it?




  1. I think it will be ok. Just get the right size bed she can get in and out of and put her favorite animals or dolls in with her and turn on a good movie and she'll be out. Not to mention she will really feel like a big girl in a big girl bed.

  2. set up the bed in her room and lower the crib rails.  this way, she can decide where she sleeps.  be sure there is a nite lite in the room, too.

  3. no.. you will make her become stress......

  4. Sure! If she seems ready for a big girl bed then it's no problem. Just be sure to have a side rail or something in case your daughter is a tosser.

  5. my neice who is living with us is 20 months.

    she sleeps happily in her own bed.

  6. definatly not. they are only little for a while. enjoy every minute that little baby wants to sleep with you. believe me when they get older they do not want anything to do with you. remember when you were growing up and mommy and daddy just wasnt so important any more. so just ask yourself " why do i want to kick my baby out of my bed for"?

  7. test it out for a week but make sure there are guard rails on every side of her bed for safety.

  8. I set up my daughter's bed at 18 months.  She stayed in it great with bed rails and never tried to get down until about 2 y/o.  Now she's 2 1/2 and doesn't want anything to do with her own bed and I have a hard time getting her to stay in bed.  I regret not having the crib anymore and since I have the big mattress and wouldn't have anywhere to store it I can't exactly put up the crib again.  Needless to say, she prefers to sleep in the pack n play now.  I think she feels more secure with the tall sides, etc...

  9. Every child is different, but I've generally gone by the rule of when in doubt, don't.


  11. YES !! my son has been in a small bed (cot size with only safety bumpers) since he was about 16 months... mainly because we did not have a portacot when staying at familys houses so he was used to it.

    I like it now (he 2) he gets up and comes into our room for a morning hug before breakfast. It seem sto have helped him become independant quicker.


  12. Yes. Better to do it sooner than later. You could start by lying in the same bed as her to put her to sleep and once she's asleep, go back to your bed.

  13. My daughter is 16 months and I am about to put her in a bed...

    You should do it early, so when you move to potty training you are not dealing with multiple issues at once.

    My daughter is very independant and self reliant, even at 16 months though, I guess it depends on the child... mine is ready.

  14. yes you should. you don't want to put them in too late because then you run the risk of them becoming to dependent on you.

  15. She is still really young, and if she is a really good sleeper you could mess up her schedule.  If she is not climbing out, you can probably leave her in for a bit longer.

  16. yes do it, just get a bed side and put plillows on the floor at the side of the bed just incase your child falls out

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