
My daughter is 21 months old, has almost all her teeth but has very sore and red gums between two teeth?

by  |  earlier

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Has anyone else seen this problem, could she be cutting another tooth somewhere and this is pressure on the gums?




  1. she may have something stuck in her gum. have you ever had a popcorn hull stick in yours/ it gets sore, red, tender and swells. you may want to see the dentist. she may be in pain.

    my oldest son bit down on a piece of some type of cheap necklace chain when he was 3 or 4 and it was imbeded in his front tooth. i don't know how. the dentist pulled his tooth and removed the links. he had never seen such a thing in a kid.

  2. it could be gingivitis.

    ive had it quite often, because of sensitive gums.

    even if it hurts to brush, make sure you get it extra good.

    its worth it in the long run. hope i helped(:

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