
My daughter is 3 1/2. She will pee in the potty but she will not p**p in the potty?

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How can I get her to?




  1. Usually when a child is ready to potty train they tend to urinate or have bowel movements at close to the same times everyday  Pay attention to the times she has a bowel movement in her diaper and just prior to that time put her on the toilet and wait.  Once she completes "the deed" praise her and tell her to let you know next time she needs to let you know.  Bribing her with candy is not a good idea because she will begin to expect candy every time she does something "good".  Praise, stickers, gold stars are better than candy.

  2. Buy a bag of M&Ms and tell her she'll get some if she goes p**p.

    Get really excited about it.

    I swear, it'll work.

  3. I used painting my daughter's toenails a pretty color that she picked out at the store as a neat reward for doing #2.   I don't know why, but she had the same problem "letting go" of that.  It also helped not to flush it right away.

    Good luck!

  4. Is she wearing nappy pants or proper kinckers? My 3 year old was very reluctant to usethe toilet but then I started to let her wear proper knickers. The first time she did a pooh in her knickers she thought it was so disgusting she's done it on the toilet ever since.

  5. maybe she thinks it is dirty too go a p**p iin the potty. if she can go a p**p on the toliet then she most prob can goo a pee. why dont u try her? :)

    hoped i helped


  6. My daughter was the same (she turned 3 at the end of June) she refused to p**p in the toilet (won't use a potty but uses a toilet seat on the toilet), and would always p**p first thing in the mornign while she still had her nappy on from night time), so everytimg she did it in nappy or in knickers I would tell her it was stinky and if she kept being so stinky she couldn't go to Kindergarten next year, which she really wants to do, it wasn't over night but now we're almost there, she still has done her business in the morning in her nappy, but most days she doesn't. Persistance. Offer something big as a reward even to get her to go p**p on potty. or even when you are doing that yourself - call her in and tell her "see mummy goes p**p on potty " etc.  

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