
My daughter is 4 and she never had a pee accident until this morning?

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My daughter is 4 and she never had a pee accident until this morning? I asked her why did she pee on the bed she said she don't know why? She usually takes a couple of sips of water but last night she actually drank a little more than usual. I'm confused and wondering if she is going to do the same thing or something is wrong with her. I'm wondering if it's got to do with stress or anxiety.

My daughter is going to start kindergarten soon and she didn't go to preschool I'm wondering if that causes her to be nervous. she is the only child. She played with other kids at the park with no problem.

When we start talking to her about her going to school she's been very close to us. She would say I miss you or ask for more hugs or want to be with you constantly.




  1. She is probably nervous.  Either way, it's ok that she peed her bed.  She's not going to be able to tell you because it's not like she woke up, said, "I'm nervous about school," then decided the best course of action would be to pee her bed.

    Drinking more than usual is probably a cause also.

    Make sure you include trying to go to the bathroom as part of your normal bedtime routine.

    Otherwise, realize it's normal.  Many children do this from time to time the first year or two of elementary education.


  2. She's nervous. Tell her there's nothing to worry about and school's really fun.

  3. don't worry about it.  kids pee the bed for many reasons.  it may be because of school or maybe she just was in deep sleep and didn't wake up.  if it continues check it out with a doc to make sure it's not a bladder infection.

  4. I wuldnt worry about it. She might be nervous and if she doesnt know why she probally really doesnt because shes so young . Maybe it was just an accident because of the water, i know my brother used to have those problems so if it keeps happening i would try making her not forsing but tellign her she must go to the bathroom before bed. I hope I could help.

  5. I would really suggest finding her a preschool through the summer, at least part-time. She needs to be exposed to that type of environment before kindergarten starts!! Also, as for the accident, it happens to every child!

  6. RELAX.  I can tell you care a lot about your decisions impacting your child.  This is healthy but you need to see this (as others have stated) as a accident.  This situation should not have a lot of attention drawn to it or unwanted residuals will creep in.  This happens all the time with children.  I would say that if this is persistent you could begin to pursue some investigation.  As far as the issue of detachment.....I would say that this is a skill learned in pre-school settings that your

    daughter (from your description) has not dealt with much.

    This is a separation issue that is very normal.  I suggest to go to the Naeyc web site and type in "separation" and you will find many articles that relate to this transition.  A great book that you could read to your daughter is "Timothy goes to school"  You are doing fine mom.......

  7. goodness - this happened once?  You are a Nervous Nellie, aren't you?   If it continues, get her checked for a bladder infection, but honestly, one accident means nothing - maybe she just didn't make it to the bathroom in time or she was in between awake and asleep and thought she was on the potty.  Try not to put too much into it.

  8. dont worry about it. she was probably really thirsty that night and couldnt control her bladder.

  9. school is scary trust me i should no lol but when your in it its actually fun well not my school most of the times but you get the understanding im trying to give to you

  10. Well, first thing, relax. My daughter never had an accident in bed. She actually did very good halfway through her pre-k. But, one time, she just couldnt hold it and went in her pants, at school. She told me she couldnt wait anymore, and she seemed ok the next day.

    This has happened with my 2 nieces once in forever as well. It isnt a big deal when it is a random occurence. It is all about timing and learning how to hold it. Natural body tendencies.

  11. don't worry.  that's why we call it accident.  she probably had a happens.  I have 1 child...a 6 yr old daughter and it happened to her too when she started Kinder.  It's mixture of being nervous and also excitement!  Tell her its going to be fun and that she'll have more friends to play with.  She'll do fine.

    Good luck!

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