
My daughter is 4 years old & starting to Pee on herself again!?

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What is going on! She was doing so well, and now almost everyday at daycare for the past 2 weeks, she'll sit right in her seat and pee on herself. Her daycare just called me talking to me about it. Now, at home, she's fine except for in the middle of the night...we're still working on that. But why the sudden setback? Have you had any similar problems. Please help!




  1. Since she's doing it at school and not at home, I'm wondering if there has been a change at her day care that is causing this. Does it happen at the same time every day, in the same situation?

    It would be a good idea to have her checked by her pediatrician, but it really is not that unsual for 4-year olds to have accidents.

  2. Have there been any major changes in her life?  Or is she having trouble with any other child?  Check with her daycare provider.  If it continues it might be a medical problem.

  3. If she is in Daycare there is a good possiblity that she has Pin-Worms. They are tiny worms that live in the colon. They go down to the r****m to lay eggs.  The symptoms are, Bed wetting/accidents; teeth griding; nitemares; and many more.Does her bottom itch? Does she have red pimple like bumps on her bottom?  Do a web search and you will find alot of helpfull info. I hope this helps.

  4. She has experienced sudden changes; also as another person said, sometimes peeing uncontrollably denotes possible sexual abuse.

    Best to rule out any physical issues and take her to the pediatrician. She's seems to be upset about something and a visit with her grandmother would help too.

  5. Do a mental inventory of what has changed or upset her recently.

  6. my cousin is 2 years old n if she have to  use the bathroom she tells us. sometimes she doesnt so my aunt hits her n then afterwards she learns her leason.

  7. has she had any problems?  A new sibling, a mean kid at school?  whenever there is a regression there is almost always a problem where the kid feels threatened or possibly insecure.

  8. Take her to the doctor.  I hate to say this, and I don't mean to worry you, but sudden regressive behavior like that often points to sexual abuse.  It may be nothing, but you need to have her checked out anyway.  She may be rebelling because of the new boyfriend or it may be a medical problem, but regardless a trip to the Pediatrician is necessary.

  9. My four-year old son is doing the same thing. He is even doing it at school. His problem is that he doesn't want to stop what he's doing. He gets so into different activities. Part of it may be that he just started school. She may be one of those modest children, or just shy. My son has a couple of classmates like that. His pediatritian says that at that age they don't have complete control over their bladders and it IS normal. Our school has an open door policy so parents can spend the day there. If your daughters school is open to it, see if you can observe her.

  10. Well what do you mean by "pee on herself again"? Has she had issues in the past after being potty trained? Since she wets at night does she wear a diaper or is she messing the bed? I can understand the night part, my 5 yr old son was potty trainded and then started wetting the bed at age 4 so he still wears a diaper at night. There has to be a reason for the day wettings, that is not normal for a child who has been potty trained to start wetting unless there is a medical issue or they want attention. I would make a doctors appointment to rule out any medical issues, then you can see if it is a problem at school. Until you find the underlying cause, will they let her attend if she is in diapers? I would really think about putting her in a diaper. I know It must be embarassing for her but I would think it would be better to have a diaper on than to wet yourself in front of everyone and then have to go get changed.

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