
My daughter is 5 years old.i.e. she will turn 5 on 18th of July to be more precise.?

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I have noticed that she has a good graspng power. But the problem is she cannot sit for a long time to write. But at the same time loves to write. She can write alphabets upto 3 letter words and knows to write numbers from 0 to 50 and recite till 100. she is learning cursive letters in school and she can very well write in cursive forming three letter words as she didn't take much time to learn to write in cursive. I just want to know is she ok /good/very good for her age. Also advice me how to improve her to make her even better. Please advice.




  1. ADHD

  2. She is doing very well for her age!! I would say that maybe she doesn't sit there too long because she is bored! If she can write in cursive a little then maybe you should give her some new letters to try. She know how to write those letters that she keeps getting up from the table on. You need to always keep new challenges for her so she won't get bored with things.

    Great job on getting her prepared!

  3. There is a thing they called "readiness" in writing and reading. Maybe its the writing along with the long time of sitting period that she don't like, for the meantime give her toys like building blocks and model clay , this will help her little fingers to be accustomed to holding to objects like pencils that she will be using in writing.

    Kids are full of energy. thats why she can't sit  that long. They need to burn it.

    Introduce her connect the dots ativities.. that will not literally pushed her to write.. just let her scribble on the paper. Give her crayons  and books to color.Along with that.. if she complains about writing.. tell her how important it is for her to pratice writing.. so that when she grow up she can write a letter to Santa..or her guardian angel or whatever verbal motivation that you can tell her.

    Relax! and wait till she really turns five. You can see.

    She is good!

  4. She would do well to be in a social setting with other chldren her own age.  She sounds like she is on track to me.  It is usually around the age of 5 1/2 to 6 that you see her settling down a bit.  Especially, if she gets in a school setting.  A structured day of activities can work wonders in the areas your concerned about.  Otherwise, I see her very much on track of kids her age.

  5. That cursive part really struck me...and at school?  Umm..really that is developmentally inappropiate.  Children should be learning printing at this age using the traditional "ballandstick" method or D'Nealian.  Maybe that's what you mean by cursive?  D'Nealian has the extra "curves" that is suppose to help children transition from printing to cursive.

    As for how she is doing...sounds like she is doing just fine.  Most five year olds can not be expected to sit for a long period of time for writing.  Another thought...something I've come across routinely with beginner writers...they hold their pencil/writing tools so firmly that their hand tires very easily.  It's something they usually overcome on their own but takes a bit.  Just stop when she tires- do multiple small periods of writing.  If you don't use pencil grips already....consider that.  Consider having her "write" with different writing tools besides pencils/pens.  Rubberband crayons together; use washable markers on windows, water color pencils/paints, stick in sand/dirt/mud, fingers in fingerpaint/shaving cream etc.

    Good luck!

  6. she is ok.  mine can speak 6 languages and is only 2.

  7. Learning cursive at her age is so inappropriate!

    Try not to focus so much on academics and focus on her social skills. The academics will come whether or not she's ready. At this age you should be making sure she has lots of play dates, you could try to increase her attention span by doing more exciting things than writing ( like drawing) to increase the amount of time she can sit and write. She sounds like she is doing very well.

    My advice is don't put pressure on her to "make her even better"- let her be herself and enjoy being a child and play. She will never have that again.

  8. Try to keep in as many programs as possible, such as interacting with other children, or try to sit down and talk with her that just might help. I hope this advice helps you.

  9. she's 5 and writing in cursive. I say brillant.!!!1

  10. You sound like you have a talented and smart daughter.  One thing at this age that you are doing and can continue to do is to develop her mind using her oral skills since their motor skills are usually still trying to mature and writing uses the fine motor skills.  Try some poetry for memory too. Mother goose, or checking out First Language Lessons by Susan Wise and Jessie Wise Bauer are two resources I would recommend for short poetry and basic grammar facts for her to orally learn.  As to her motor skills, those will develop continually which will be reflected in her writing and her desire to write more.  In the mean time you can continue to develop her motor skills by doing activities that cross the left and right hemispheres.  For example, play Simon says take your right hand and touch your left foot.  Getting the right and left to work together will help her to increase her brain activity working together.

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