
My daughter is 5years old and likes to kiss?

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She will kiss me or her dad sometimes by pressing her lips on ours firmly and moving her head from side to side. She will sometimes stick out her tongue. We have asked her to stop it but she will sometimes still do it. When we ask her where she learned it. She will say she doesnt know. Is this normal please help, I'm so concerned about it. She does not show any other sextual signs.




  1. ya normal but annoying  I know my son is  7 he going through that for last year,  I just tell him that is gross and not a proper kiss for a family member and either let him kiss my check or normal lil lip smooch...... I told my son those kind of kisses are for adults in love.......

    my son started to do this after his love for the spiderman and the upside down kiss mary jane and spider man have.

  2. i know sooooooo many kids that have gone through that

    its normal

    i take care of a 17 month old and my own son who is 16 months and the 17 is always trying to kiss me or the baby

    its their way to show affection

    and no its not type of sexual signs

  3. Maybe she's seen you and dad kissing? Or seen it on TV/in the park/on the street etc. I wouldn't worry too much, unless she does more than just kissing. At five, you can tell her kissing on the lips is just for grown ups - maybe you could teach her to 'air kiss' as a change from a kiss on the cheek. I have seen loads of kids do this - I think they just love their parents s-o-o-o- much. While it is very good and right for everyone to be aware of sexual abuse, remember children are naturally very affectionate and touchy feely. Just make sure you know who they are with all the time.

  4. It is VERY possible that she has simply seen you and her daddy kissing and just needs to learn what this is and when it is appropriate. I know your child is only 5 but curiosity is being peeked and this may be a good time to open the doors of communication.

  5. I would get her check maybe she was abused if you have her in Preschool!   That is not normal at all!  Seek help!

  6. I don't think it's sexual. I doubt she knows what she's doing. Some families kiss each other (closed mouth, of course) on the lips. She's probably just playing.

  7. Oh man I am never going to have children.  I would not know how to handle such things - I'd be like c**p what do I say to this kid to make her stop.  I wouldn't want to be around her after that either.  I'm so glad I'll never have to deal with things like this.  Thanks.

  8. she had to have seen it somewhere.... just make sure that she doesnt see you kissing or on tv and keep telling her to stop, eventually she will, or should

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