
My daughter is 6 can she join brownies?

by  |  earlier

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her friends are in the brownies and she wants to be with them, doesn't want to go in rainbows, we're in uk




  1. yes she can join

  2. if her friends are the same age then yes. In australia you need to be 6 to start in Joey's (scouts)

  3. i believe its 7 to join brownies, have you ever considered letting her join in the scouting movement, she can join the beaver section from 6yrs old and at the moment you will find that every group has more girls joining than boys, my daughter joined the scouts last year and it has done her more good than anything

  4. Apparently they are having to change the name of the Brownies as it is considered racist.

  5. No, she needs to be seven to be a Brownie. It's not a question of being mean, it's a question of who the leaders are legally permitted and insured to look after.

    Why doesn't she want to join Rainbows? They're very similar. If she doesn't like Rainbows she probably won't like Brownies either. If she just wants to play with her friends she can do that at home. At Brownies she will be encouraged _not_ to just play with the girls she already knows.

  6. They have to be seven to join brownies but normally there is a waiting list so if i was you i would put her on it now

  7. im not sure about brownies but she can go to the girls bridage from the age of 5, my daughter goes and she loves it, there is bound to be one near you, if not, im sure she will be able to join at 6, but all you have to do is ask one of the officers at the brownies and theyll be able to tell you everything

  8. I am currently a GS leader and your daughter has to be at minimum in first grade (or age 6-8) to join Brownies.  The previous poster was incorrect.

  9. yeah she can!! if her friends are their and she wants to be with them then yeah she probably can!!

  10. My daughter is 6 also 7 on the 31st and cannot join until she is 7. My elder daughter joined at 7 also.

  11. When i was a kid you had to be 7 to join, but I believe it's a little more flexible now. Speak to the Brownie leader.

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