
My daughter is 6 months old and rolls over in her sleep?

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I will go to check on her and she will be laying on her tummy, she has never slept that way and she is not just on her tummy she is all twisted around like she feel to sleep mid roll could she be doing this in her sleep? She is a very strong baby and has always had good head control but the fact she is laying like that still makes me nervous any thoughts or advice?




  1. When my son was 4 1/2 months he started rolling over on his tummy to sleep.  He is 9 1/2 now and sleeps on his side, back, and tummy.  your daughter is fine.  Just make sure you don't have things in the crib, no toys, wedges, or sleep positioners, and that the comforters is not so soft she could suffocate some how.

  2. my daughter was about 4 months when she started trying to roll over in her sleep when I asked the pediatrician he told me that if she is strong enough to roll over then she will be fine but eliminate any hazards like those positioning pillows, blankets (just dress her warm at night if it's cold) and those bumpers for cribs (I got a breathable bumper at babys r us). Other then that there is really nothing you can do. There is many times at night when my daughter seems to be all twisted and tangled with herself in the crib but if I go in to fix her she just wakes up mad. If this is how she is comfortable just let her be but make sure to take those extra precautions so that she doesn't get tangled or hurt by anything in the crib.

  3. Buy one of the baby support pillows at babies r us or a small wedge pillow.That should help.

  4. LOL, I just asked pretty much the same thing earlier about my 9 month old.

    Here's the link to the question I asked.  (So you can see how other people answered as well...);...

    Good Luck! :)

  5. My mom bought this for the twins because all of her kids rolled around when they got a little older. Here is the exact product she bought.

    Try that!

  6. My daughter did the same thing, I called my doctor and she toldme that if they are able to roll over on there own then they are fine to sleep on there stomachs because they have more control

  7. She is fine. My youngest would sleep in positions that looked painful, one arm pinned behind her back and was fine. No matter how many times I moved her back she would flop all over. Sometimes even be turned to the foot of her crib. Even now at 7 she is all over the place. She sleeps very sounds but is very restless. I still put pillows beside her to keep her from hitting  her head on the wall LOL

    If she is strong enough to move around she is fine as far as safety goes. I always just put her in winter jammies and tossed the blanket because she would end up tangled in it at your daughters age.

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