My daughter is 6years old. The doctor found out ,she has amblyopic
(lazy eye) on her left eye. She has a suspicious of glaucoma on her right eye.Her right eye vision is 1.2 left eye vision is 0.06. She is wearing a eye glasses right +0.5 left+6.5. I have a few questions.
1.Now,,she is eye patching on her right eye for 8hours a day.
Is it really safe to do that? Because, she has a suspicious of glaucoma
on her right eye.
2.She is eye patching on her right eye for 8hours a day.
Is it enough or too much?
3.The doctor said it is difficult check her range of her vision.
Because, she is only 6years old. Is there any way to check her right eye.? She checked her intraocular pressure and funduscopy.
As for intraocular pressure, her right eye was normal. As for funduscopy, the right eye rim was 0.6.
Please answer for me . Thank you.