
My daughter is 7.5 months old...feeding schedule?

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She wakes up and has a bottle

another bottle a few hours later

then another

1 whole jar of baby food

another bottle few hours later then bed

So she has 4 bottles ( about 30 ounces total ) each day plus the jar of baby food and she just started solids a week and a half ago. I'm nervous because she usually poops once every 2 days and is now pooping like twice a day, I understand she has started solids but does it make that much of a difference????????

PLUS, do you think she is getting enough to eat as far as solids go?????????????????

Thanks so much.




  1. My son is 5 1/2 months old and breastfeeds in the morning along with some rice cereal. Then he has a four ounce bottle and half a jar of veggies and half a jar of fruits at launch. Then he has an 8 ounce bottle at about 4 o'clock and then breastfeeds again at bed time. Hope this helps!

  2. My daughter is  7 months old and gets about 30 oz of formula/breastmilk a day, 32 is the max for formula, I read. She also gets cereal with about a tablespoon of fruit in the morning, yogurt and about 1/3 jar of veggies for lunch and another veggie and fruit for dinner. She's been eating cereal since 4 months and fruits and veggies since 6. Just gradually increase how many times a day she has solids. When we first started solids she went from pooping once a day to 2 to 3 times each day, now she's back to once but they're harder stools.

  3. It sounds like your baby's belly is moving the food quite efficently... thats great!!  Despite what gerber commercials are telling your baby should live off of breastmilk or formula as primary diet for the first 12 months.  30oz is about right for her age.(more or less is fine also... each child is different and as long as they are thriving .. growing, gaining and developing properly)  Any other food should simply be for texture integration and practice.  No worries you are doing a great job! (trust your instincts)

  4. yes give her a few weeks then you can start her twice a day on baby food as far as the milk goes it is still very importaint for her to have her milk and its about that much so she is taking to me what sounds norm for her age..babies can go a couple days without pooing and then poo a few times a day as long as its not too too water like as she could dehydrate or really really hard(would mean constipation)she is a fine happy healthy baby :)

  5. Don't know what your doctor says but this is how I did it:

    Breakfast - baby cereal and a bottle (or tippy cup)

    snack and/or bottle (tippy cup) between breakfast and lunch

    Lunch - baby food (meat and veggies) - started them on this first because sometimes if they get the fruit first, they wwon't eat the other.  And maybe some bites of adult food (whatever she can handle).

    snack and/or bottle (tippy cup) between lunch and dinner

    Dinner - same as lunch

    And then bottle before bed

    Yeah, she should be pooping several times a day.

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