
My daughter is 7 years old and she seems to be fixated on the idea of testicles. Is this normal?

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She first saw testicles on some of the dogs that get walked around our house, she was probably around 5 when she finally started becoming interested in them. My wife and I are pretty open-minded so we told her the correct name and what they are used for, thinking she would just forget about it, but she didnt. Now whenever she sees a dog getting walked she has to run over and look at its testicles, pointing them out for me or my wife (which is very embarrassing!) And when we went to the zoo she spent more time trying to figure out which of the animals were boys, then the animals themselves. She shows in interest in penises or anything like that, I just think its so darn odd that she so fixated on testicles! She saw mine once by accident and it took her a week before she would shut up about it. Has anyone else ever heard of a kid acting like this? I mean testicles? Its kind of freaking me out.




  1. Well, testicles is a really cool word for someone her age, and since you approached it so openly she doesn't realized that it's not something that the general public can accept.  We have had the same problem with various words in our household (particularly "c**p" and "p***s"), and we have learned that we MUST tell them which words they cannot say in front of others.  The word "area" has become generally acceptable for all genitalia both male and female, for us - it is a kinder, gentler word.

  2. Oh gosh.... thanks for the good laugh. I can't say that any of my kids have t******e fixations but I don't find it to be that odd of an idea. If I were you, I would make as little of a deal about it as possible. You could also talk to her about how testicles are private parts and it's not polite to talk about them in public.

  3. Don't be freaked out - just let her know that it's not polite to point at them, and it's embarrassing to you and her mom.  You may want to let her know that there are careers that work with animals...

    I don't think it's odd at all.. Kids do this about all kinds of things - it's just that we as a society aren't comfortable with "privates".  If it were the planet Saturn that she were fascinated in - you may not be so worried, right?  

    It's best to say something to your girl, instead of looking sideways at your wife when she's talking about them.

  4. She is totally normal.  It IS natural for you to freak though...being a daddy and hearing that word come out of your little girl's mouth.  She is at that age and stage where they talk more openly about private parts because they understand males and females are different and she is curious.  Besides, testicles is kind of a cool word to say LOL.  Being that age and able to use a big just might be used a little more often.  

    I have two girls, 9 and 7, and they are at that stage and ask their daddy lots of questions (I answer the ones about girls and send them to him if it's something I'm not sure of...after all I don't have those parts LOL)  Unfortunately we made the mistake of using the word "balls."  I know...slang word and all, not good.  So my oldest told me the one day that her friend's dog had the biggest set of balls you have ever seen!  Then proceeded to talk about our dog's "balls" and does Daddy have "balls" etc.  UGH!  I have had way too many of those conversations about appropriateness in public.  They are learning, but would still make me lean over and whisper it in my ear...hey it's better than using the outside voice in the middle of the store!!  I think they are more fixated on them than an actual p***s, because you can see them hanging down on dogs and most animals and they are more noticible.

    I'm sure you are teaching her discretion of when to use the word and when to say things more private.  You kind of have no choice not to, especially when they embarrass the heck out of you.

    Sorry you are freaking out about this.  Just imagine (or try not to think about) all of the things she is going to feel comfortable talking to you about as she gets older.  This is only the haven't reached puberty yet.  You will have many more freak out episodes!!!  Your daughter isn't abnormal in any way...just more curious and vocal about it than some.  Enjoy every minute!!

  5. Children are something aren't they? She is old enough for you to explain to her that it is improper to go to other people's dogs and look at their privates. She should simply ask the owners if it is a boy or a girl. Have you tried showing her what the insides of a t******e look like? Find a picture that shows all the inner workings. At her age that might satisfy her curiosity. I would not discourage her from asking questions though. You may have a budding urologist or zoologist on your hands! :)

  6. I think she is way way too old to be running to dogs and pointing out testicles, and saying that sort of thing in public.  You really need to teach her that sort of talk is private and uncalled for.  I'd definitely would think it was inappropriate for an elementary age child if I heard such things.

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