
My daughter is 7 years old and wont go to the bathroom?

by  |  earlier

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my daughter is 7 and wont go to the bathroom how do i get her to go i dont want 2 bribe her or reward her for something she should do any way especially when shes 7 how do i get her to go to the bath room please help me and quick she wants to stay with a friend and dont want to embarrass her by makeing her wear a pull up plz plz help




  1. I'm afraid there is not going to be a quick fix for this.

    The pull-ups they have now are pretty easily hidden for that purpose. They're disguised as regular kids' undies to keep from embarrassing kids who have bathroom issues when they're in social situations.

    If she's seven and won't use the toilet, then there's something wrong. Take her to the pediatrician to see if it's something physical. If it's not physical, then the doctor will probably reccomend a therapist who will see if it's something else.

    There's nothing wrong with giving her a reward for accomplishing something she's having difficulty with, especially something like going to the bathroom. :) But you really, really need to take her to the doctor about this.

  2. i think your ignorant && u need to grow up;

    i seen the other questions that u asked;

    saying that you have twins and u need names;

    && one question  said u babysit for a little girl who is''nt potty trained;!!

    yahoo answers isnt for ppl to play games;

    if you want entertainment go get on myspace or something;

  3. At that age, I believe its probably a medical issue.  It could also be psychological.  I've read about it in several potty training books.  You really need to talk to her doctor to rule out there aren't any medical issues that are preventing her from using the bathroom.  It could also be a pyschological issue that is causing it and your doctor can also help you with that.

  4. I would talk to your daughters dr just to be sure there isn't anything else going on.

  5. you don't want to embarrass her? she's the one who won't go to the bathroom. isn't she potty trained?

    i say you should teach her a lesson and let her embarrass herself

  6. OK I know this sounds very mean but sometimes embarrassment works the best. When I potty trained my little one I just stopped using diapers/pull ups 100% of the time and put her in panties and put a plasitc cover over it. even at night... It took about 6 weeks to get there but we did. Just let her know that is she wants to wear dry pants that's she;s got to use the potty. If she dose have an accident make her wear the wet ones for a little while.

  7. Are you saying she isn't potty trained or she won't use the potty at her friends house? She's 7 she should be able to control her pee and p**p. Has she had a physical? Does she excell in anything? I don't think I understand your question.

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