
My daughter is 7 yrs old and very shapely....i'm afraid she will grow up to be fat?

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should i place her on a diet now..?




  1. Right now she is to young to tell whether she'll be fat or not. Children often put on a few pounds but that doesn't mean they're fat or are going to be fat. All you can do for now is wait and see.

  2. you shouldn't go crazy about it. she may also just have a large frame. talk to your doctor. also teach her about healthy nutrition and getting excersize. teach her the healthy ways of life like any other child.

  3. Practice good healthy eating and exercising habits at home. Pack healthy lunches for her to take to school. A healthy lifestyle begins at home and is easier to live later in life if you the parent instills it in her and the entire family now.

  4. yes

    you stupid people that rated me down.....arggg

    i mean yes a diet as in no mcdonalds or donuts.

    if she is fat now when she starts to grow it will even out! but you dont want her to be like that 7 year old girl who weighs 400 pounds!

  5. I don't know what your intent is but if you're putting her on a diet, as in "weight loss technique", that's not a very good idea, UNLESS she has health issue(s).You haven't mentioned any so I'll just assume she's healthy.

    If you're referring to diet as in "healthy amount of food from each group", then that's fine. *Every person, regardless of age, needs to have a "balanced" diet. Plus, she's only 7. If you were planning on using diet as a weight loss technique, she's going to gain the weight back anyway because she's a GROWING kid. Teach her the right foods/healthy eating habits now and she'll grow up and abide by them. Not to mention...she's a girl...and most girl at some point in their life worry about the way their bodies look and I'm almost 100% certain that you wouldn't want your precious little girl thinking "I'm fat and ugly."  Now or ever. One more thing...if you do decide to put her on a diet, PLEASE be nice & don't make it obvious. When my "cousin" was 9, her mother would embarrass her by yelling "put that cookie down. You’re getting big" (she wasn't big at all) and then would allow the younger sister, my other "cousin", to have the cookie instead. That'll ruin a kid forever. So, be gentle, in whatever you do.

    Hope that helps  : ) Best wishes

  6. Just start to teach her healthy eating habits and maybe some outdoor activities that would be fun and keep her active.

    you know....I think all these people that are giving everyone with great answers (telling her to eat right and be active) the thumbs down are just fat and unhappy with themselves and therefor want everyone else to be.

  7. How dare you as a parent post such a ridiculous question! She's only 7 and that's what you're worried about! If she does grow up to be fat I'm afraid it won't be because she's very shapely at 7, it'll be because you fed her all the wrong foods and didn't keep her active. If you want to know if she'll be fat take a look at what you feed her now, how active you keep her and the body structure of both you and her father. That, among everything else will determine her weight. You can do something about your concern by being a positive contributor to however she turns out. Maybe your focus should be on teaching her prevention from say......kidnapping, being drug free, or better yet teach her compassion by volunteering at a shelter or taking part in building homes for those who have suffered dramatic losses like the floods in the Midwest or even Katrina victims who still to this day have not been able to rebuild all that they have lost. That should be your focus, you'd do all of society and taxpayers a HUGE favor.

  8. Not a diet, but make sure that she has access to healthy foods, and let her learn when her body is full so she doesn't have to eat more and more all the time.

    Also, consider what you are eating and what foods you have in the house? Is the entire family modelling good eating habits and good exercise? Is she active and playing with other kids outside? Is she moving her whole body?

    Just be aware.... she will grow taller and lose the body fat as long as she develops good eating and physical habits now.

  9. NO  Abolutely NO

    Be sure she gets lots of exeercize and keep her involved in activities,  Let her burn off the excess enegy and not have it turn to fat

    Get her involved in soccer, softball, dance, swimming and all the other activities a kid needs to grow & develop

  10. As long as she's not too fat, why should it matter? What you can do is limit the amounts of junk foods she eats, make her go on walks with you, and ask a doctor what the right weight for her is.

  11. Just like most people, we're overfed but, under nourished.

    Your the mom, control what she eats at home... Not a starve her diet but, more like a healthier more nutritious diet. Definitely more activities help and there's a range of stuff to do with friends, siblings and parents.

    I have 4 kids and spend allot of active time with them after I get home from work. I also do some of the cooking and the kids join in and help, I put out healthier meal options ahead of time and get their input, makes it much easier when it comes to actually eating it.

    No coke's at home, limit going out to eat.

    It wasn't always this way,,, my work has forced me to travel extensively but, now I'm working a long term Project at home. My wife was pretty overwhelmed and at first she was a little reluctant with the changes but, she's now getting more on board and we're working as team.

    My oldest was pushing the scale up but, has lost 25lbs without the typical starvation diet, just some slight eating changes, slowly but persistently getting her out of her room and more involved in activities. It takes time and some trial and error to pin point thier interests. But worth every second of effort.

    Good Luck ,,, Let me know How it all works out.

  12. Yes and No

    No you should never put a child on a formal diet.

    Yes, you should feed her a well balanced diet that is conservative with red meats and junk food.  However she should feel free to eat the vegetables and other foods you provide freely until she is full.

  13. The smartest thing yu could do first to know that she already is on a diet. It just prabably is one that is not rich in foods she should be eating. Just to get her to learn smarter choices like vegatables and fruits would be great. Eating right can become a lifestyle. As soon as you put words like " I am putting you on a diet" then it becomes a temporary thing. Research healthy eating on the net and start your family in a good direction. Remember you are a huge part of this and everyone in your house should learn to eat what is good for them. It doesn't have to be a diet for her. Families that eat healthy togetrher become strong and united in many areas of their life.

    Best wishes and happy eating.

  14. diets are not appropriate for 7 year olds, they are for adults.  All you have to do is feed her (and the rest of the family) lots of healthy foods: fruits, veggies, whole grains, lean proteins, nutritious and yummy snacks.  She should eat what the rest of the family eats, so if you don't want her to eat junk food then don't let anyone else in the family do so.  Make sure she gets outside every day for playtime: take her to parks, kick around a ball with her, play tag, go swimming at the local pool.  Now that it's summer she should having lots of free play outside.  Don't deprive her either, she is only 7. Let her have popsicles, roast marshmallows over fire, etc.

    Don't do anything different with her than you would with your other children (if you have any others): equal treatment.

  15. You should not make food a big issue because that will only lead to self-esteem issues and possibly more weight gain.  Even worse, it might lead to anorexia or bulimia.  Instead, why not get her involved with sports, dance, or some other active hobby.  

    Finally, if she sees you engaged in good, healthy eating practices she will follow suit.  By healthy practices I mean, cut out unhealthy snacks and opt for fresh fruit, vegetables, nuts, yogurt, etc.  Make colorful meals loaded with whole grains and vegetables.

  16. you are rude mean and you should just give her a no parent but i was a kid and i know how it is when your parents think about you wrong maybe she could be a model you need to give her a break and.....uhhhh you need to let it go nobodys perfect!!!!!!

  17. My son is also a bit overweight , but the doctor didnt want me to put him on a diet. her idea was that he needs to maintain his weight and as he grows taller things will even out.

    she just wanted me to make sure he ate healthy and got at least one hour of aerobic play or excercize a day

  18. Just make sure she gets plenty of exercise, drink lots of water and has a good example.  You can set a good example by eating right, exercising, etc.  If you already are an example then that is the most you can do.  I'm assuming you mean she is just a little overweight.  If she is so overweight she can hardly breathe and play with the other children then you need to see a professional for your daughter to receive the proper help.  Diets are no good for anyone but a healthy lifestyle is.

  19. You shouldn't place her on any sort of diet without consulting her pediatrician first. In the mean time, take her outside to play. Go to the local swimming pool, go for a walk, run around in the backyard with her. There are so many things to do now since it's nice outside and when kids are having fun they don't see it as "exercise".

  20. I hate to be judgemental but you sound like you have issues. She's seven. She's not "shapely" what the heck is that about? Marilyn Monroe is "shapely" not a seven year old.

    She's either overweight or not. Do you have a pediatrician? If so if you are truly concerned for your child's health and not just your own outlook then see the pediatrician and speak to him or her about it...but NOT IN FRONT OF YOUR DAUGHTER!!

    Listen to me here. I come from a long line of women in my family who were put on "diets" when we were young, generations of us actually. And guess what? Many of us are now overweight adults with severly twisted relationships with food because we were told we were fat as children. Looking back the sad thing is none of us even were fat.

    Almost all kids tend to go through a chubby phase. My own daughter will be seven soon and she tends to get a bit chubby then before  I know it she shoots up and it all evens out.

    And what if your daughter does end up overweight? The answer is still not a "diet". If your entire family eats healthy then your child should not be overweight. If she is then the whole family diet needs an overhaul NOT just hers. If you restrict what she can eat you are going to cause her low self esteem and a bad relationship with food.

    Look at your entire family's diet and change out the unhealthy things one at a time with things that are better for you. If you eat chips for a snack you can't expect everyone to be cool with eating carrot sticks instead. You have to find something a little better and go with that until the change sticks. Then move onto something else.

    Nutrition is a lifetime thing. It's not about "dieting" it's about eating healthy. I think you really need to take a closer look at yourself and your outlook on weight. Please think twice about this for your child's sake. You could be doing so much damage.

  21. Remember that your little girl is just that: little. Young children have a need to be approved of and loved, just the way they are. A lot of the extra could very well be baby fat, and will melt away when she gets taller and starts developing. That being said, if you think she isn't getting the right kinds of food, then make it easier for her to get a hold of healthy foods by eating them yourself and restricting the amount of junk food in the house. Be careful of making her feel bad about how she looks at this very tender age, though. You wouldn't do it on purpose, but sometimes we can say things without thinking, I know I have. Just loving her and encouraging her to exercise and eat right by doing so yourself (without banning treats completely) will help her grow up with some awesome habits!

  22. shapely refers to sexuality, 7 year old is not shapely unless you are a pedo. Just admit it she is fat, yes you should put her on a diet no fast food or junk food, no sweet cereals

  23. yeah, a healthy one!  (not a dieting one, a healthy relationship with right eating one that will mold her to grow up getting it right.

    The extra weight should fall away naturally if do this right.

    Get her solidly interested in physical games or activities

  24. My daughter is 8 and has a j-lo butt and wears a bra, so I know where you are coming from.  I am overweight, although I eat healthy and I worry about her, but instead of a diet, we just make sure that the food choices she has are healthy.  All my kids love fruit and yogurt.  I don't buy alot of cookies and candy, although they do occasionally get these things.   I have seen too many kids that were completely deprived of them turn into overweight adults because when they got freedom they ran wild with sweets.

  25. This is a question for a doctor to answer for sure, but if you feed your daughter a balanced diet then you have nothing to worry about. If you obsess about her weight then she will to which can lead to problems later on. Fat is not a word you should ever use to refer to a child.

  26. what the h**l is wrong with you, you should not be worrying about if your daughter is going to be fat. Do you love her? do you feed her in a healthy way? Or just go ahead and put her on a diet and destroy her self esteem by the age of 7

  27. no. just give her healthy food. diets don't work. just make sure she's getting at least 30 minutes of exercise a day.

    answer my question?;...

  28. No diets! Just have her eat her fruits and veggies and cut down on the candy. Save pop for special occasions, it shouldn't be a daily event. Rather than buying her Webkinz and video games, sign her up for sports and dance classes. Invest in a bike. Round up a couple balls and some friends, for a less expensive alternative. It might just be your imagination she's growing wider, but these are healthy habits that your child should have for a lifetime. Good luck!

    UPDATE: Do not ever call her new healthy habits a "diet". It can lead to a lack of self-confidence, maybe even eating disorders when she grows into her teens. I know I'm sounding over-dramatic, but anyways, just don't call it a diet to your husband, daughter, or anyone for that matter.

  29. It's important for kids that age to eat healthy. But if she's just round and not fat/obese it should be fine. Make her exercise, that's always the best way to get into shape, not by starving her. And when they go into that growth spurt she'll burn up a lot of her baby fat.

  30. Get her exercising and have her eat nutritious foods.  Don't put her on a "diet" or use the word "diet". Get rid of the junk food in your house.  Bring in healthy foods.  Do not make an issue of her weight, you do not want her to have any unhealthy food or body issues (bulemia, etc) as she grows up.

  31. She's 7. Unless she's severely overweight, I don't think there's a need to put her on a diet. She's still growing. As long as she's eating healthy foods and getting plenty of exercise, she'll probably grow into her shape. She's going to get taller and probably get leaner in the process.

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