
My daughter is 8 and was just diagnosed with an auditory processing disorder. Can she get an IEP?

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More specifically she has auditory processing discrimination. I had her tested privately and now I am trying to work with the school to make her as successful as possible.




  1. yes most definately my son who is 8 has the same thing, make sure you go to the school and request she be tested also supply them with the private tesing information you have on her.  My son was of course in the IEP, (rsp) program and is pulled out of class each day for 30 minutes private one on one work time.  Make sure you stay on top of the school and get some programs yourself to work with her at home. I found hooked on phonics very helpful, and also learning ears , since our kids need to hear before they see if it very helpful to get books that have audio tapes so she can read along with them

  2. She can get an IEP  *IF* she qualifies. Having a disabiltity does not guarantee special ed servcies.

    First you have to learn the special ed laws and use them. The best site for this is

    The parent and school has to follow a specific legal process for IEP eligiblity and services.

    The first step is for you to write a letter to the district sped director requesting  (and use these exact words)

    'an initial full educational evaluation testing in all areas of suspected disabilities to determine if my child qualifies for special ed services as specified by IDEA law'.

    Now, you could have a fight on your hands, and lots of wrong doing by the school if you don't know the laws and follow them exactly.

    If you need help email me

  3. Write a letter (doesn't have to be fancy, I've gotten some on the backs of envelopes)  that states you would like your daughter tested disabilities.  SIGN IT and DATE IT  depending on the state they have a limited time to respond. turn this letter into the principle and the teacher and the sped department of the school (technically you only need principle but don't leave anything to fall through the cracks)   they also have to tell you who is performing this assessment and you can submit testing results to them as well

  4. Absolutely she can get an IEP. I would write to the director of special education for your district and explain that she has been tested and diagnosed and that you would like a  meeting with the special education teacher, speech pathologist, school psychologist, and her regular ed teacher. The meeting where I am is called a PPT (planning and placement team) but it may be called something else where you are. Tell him that because she is already diagnosed, the meeting would be to determine if they find her eleigible for special services through an IEP and if she is then also to develop an IEP for her. Use phrases such as "I know my daughter is eligible because of IDEA" "I know she is eligible for  an IEP and special services so that she can receive a free appropriate education.

    IDEA  is our nation's special education law. IDEA stands for Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.

    you can learn more about it here...

    and here

    unlike the person below said...your child does not need a full evaluation, she has already been diagnosed outside the school.

  5. You bet she can but you will have to fight fight fight for her.  Don't give up she has rights!

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