
My daughter is 8 going on 9 but she still acts like she is younger.?

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She doesn't act like the average child her age, she's kind of immature for her age. I'm worried about her period starting between 9-16. Do you think this will mature her. If not, what will?




  1. Don't be in a rush to mature her.  She's still a little kid!  My daughter is 9 and acts like a teenager, it's horrible.  I wish she was enjoying being 9 instead of wishing she was 14.

    Yes, having her period will mature her, but seriously, let her enjoy being a kid.  She'll be a teenager soon enough, and you'll probably be wishing she was 9 again! hahaha

  2. Periods always start between 9-16 so why are u worried about that? I don't understand

    SHE IS 8 YEARS OLD.  How is she supposed to act?  She's a little girl.  Maybe you can give examples

  3. Better than my 16 year old thinking she is 20! Enjoy it while you can!!!!

  4. she will mature in her own time. Don't make her grow up too fast.

  5. Let your baby enjoy her childhood. She will takes time...each and every individual differs.....

  6. my stepdaughter is 8 but has a younger sib at her mom's and two younger here. i think cause she doesn't have older siblings to raise the bar, but younger ones that lower it. i do find it strange how she really enjoys their toys and would rather read their baby books (they are 15 months and 3 months) and sometimes it's very frustrating that she is so immature and just doesn't understand some things that she should at her age... but then i think i'd rather have her running behind average when puberty strikes than pushing herself to do more grownup and possibly bad behaviors. getting her period will open her eyes to the new road of womanhood ahead so make sure you have the talk about the responsibilities that go with it... and that may set her mind on track toward more mature ideas. give your daughter time, she will be  and act older soon enough. as long as there are no developmental concerns like with school or physically i wouldn't worry about it and enjoy her childhood before she is a terrible teen!

  7. Kids are growing up way to fast enjoy it, because it only gets harder from her. Live with a 13 yr old that I have known since she was 7. Fiance's daughter.

  8. It's ok. Most 12 year olds are childish too. Geez I was still playing with Barbies and picking my boogers. She'll cope.

  9. I think it's nice that she is acting young! Would you rather her be way too mature?!?

  10. Do females in your family have a history of starting their periods early?  And does she seem to be physically developed more than other 8 year olds?  If not, then it is fairly safe to assume that she will not get her period for a while.  And  8 year olds are young children.  They are supposed to act like children.  I think that a problem in society today is that the majority of people are expecting their children to mature much faster than they used to.  Let your daughter be a kid.  If she reaches her tweens or teens and is still acting immature, then I might sit her down and have a girl talk with her, just to prepare her for things to come.

  11. let her stay a little girl for as long as she wants -she will have plenty of time to grow up.

  12. my daughter is the same way!! she will be 9 this summer.. she is very smart.. reading books way above her grade level.. she reads at like 7th grade level.. but she does act very immature in comparrison to her peers.  some of her friends are even getting annoyed with her and i feel she is getting left behind..

  13. I don't know any mature 8-9 year olds.  She's just a kid so I'm not sure what you expect.  You are worried about puberty?  Why?  It's a natural thing.

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