
My daughter is 8 years old and still wets the bed on a regular basis, what can i do?

by  |  earlier

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We have been to our local gp, he prescribed some pills (cant remember what they're called) she goes to th toilet before going to bed at 7.30, and i will take her again before i go to be around 10.30. but 90% of the time she will wet.

She has been through a messy parent break up (4 years ago) and still remembers alot. i am told this may be a cause?

Also that it may be genetic? i know that there are bed wetting issues on both sides of the family?

I am only guessing here, but can anyone help???




  1. I would just be patient with her, if medical issues have been ruled out. If she sees that you are tense and upset with her this could make it worse. They do have pull ups for older children with this problem. This will keep her bed dry and keep her from feeling shame. Good Luck

  2. THE CURE:

    I knew of someone who had that problem and the thing that FINALLY stopped them wetting the bed was a device that goes under the sheet on their bed. When urine touches this device it sets off an alarm next to the bed and wakes the child.

    Eventually whenever the child feels the need to go to the toilet they think of the alarm and how ANNOYING it is and then get up just as they begin to pee and go to the toilet.

    It worked ABSOLUTE wonders for this person, trust me ITS THE BEST WAY. Ask your GP where to get one.

  3. My sister wet her bed till she was 10! My parents took her to specialists and they concluded it was hereditary. My five yr old son still wets the bed every now and then and his pediatrician says it  most likely is hereditary if anyone in my family has also wet. He said it could also just be a weak bladder. Just remember she won't wet forever, even if it seems like it. Hope that helped. Good Luck!

  4. Have you looked into family therapy to deal with the emotional fall out from your divorce.  If you know there are emotional issues then follow the symptoms and actively address the matter.  You have checked her out physically and there is no real physical diagnoses of the condition then more than likely it is emotional.

    Invest in her mental health and seek family therapy.  It can only be beneficial in the end.

    Good Luck

  5. I would try two things:

    Take her to a pediatric urologist to make sure there is nothing physically wrong with her

    It probably wouldn't hurt to have her talk to a therapist that specializes in family break ups, alot of times bed wetting is due to emotional stress.

    I hope this helps.

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