
My daughter is 9, and stilling picking her nose!?

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My daughter is a normal avrage girl. But sometimes I will see her picking her nose! She doesn't know that I know. But how can I have her stop! None of her friends know. But I want her to stop the nasty habbit! How can I stop her?




  1. at the moment you notice her picking her nose ask her if she needs a tissue! but I believe everyone picks their nose!

  2. Please realize two things: 1. Many, many, many 9 year old children pick their noses.  I would estimate that over half of them do.  2.  Nose picking is actually a natural instinctive reaction for removing dried, particle laden mucus from one's nose so that new mucus can work effectively to stop foreign debris from entering the lungs.  Most other primates also perform this task to stay healthy, being that they also have digits (fingers).  The stuff must come out.  So, your real concern should be the method of removal, and how the material is handled once removed.  Society dictates that one should clear the dried mucus by using a facial tissue, or something similar.  So, help remind your daughter to do this frequently, even if she is not picking at her nose at the time.  Preventing the sensation that causes one to pick their nose is probably the best way to prevent the "picking" from occurring in the first place.  Once the new behavior becomes habit your work is done.  Unless disposal of the material is the issue.  For obvious health and social reasons consumption of the material is not advised.  Encourage your daughter to throw the tissue in the trash, or commode, after she has completed the task.  It may also help to model the correct behavior.  Example:  Oh, my nose feels stuffy.  I hope there are still some Kleenex in the bathroom.  Great, there are.  Now I am going to close the bathroom door for some privacy.  (Twenty seconds later) (Toilet Flushing, water running at sink)  My nose feels much better now.  Does yours ever feel like that daughter?  

    Okay, so maybe not quite that cheesy, but you get the idea.  Let her know what is expected and proper without embarassing her.  :-)

  3. Every one in the world does it. Just explain she needs to use a tissue to do it and in private a bit more.

  4. Oops, I pick my nose too! Sometimes I have to remember not to!   But realistic -- just mention to her calmly to stop -- and ask her to wash her hands every time you see it happening..... and remind her to act like a lady.  Don't worry too much about it, I hope.

  5. lady please, you seriously don't pick your nose?

    When did you stop?  You have got to tell me how you kicked the habit!

    Is there a support group I can join?

    Hey luann, lol

  6. As long as she's not eating it, don't worry about it.

  7. if she eats it you have a problem, otherwise its normal

  8. Everyone does that!

  9. Like you dont?

  10. I'm 28 and I still pick my nose! that weird?

  11. That's exactly what it is a habbit, try and sit with her and explain to her that if she feels something in her nose to go and get a tissue. She should be fine, she's only 9.

  12. Mine did that.  I saw her pick it and when she put it in her mouth I couldnt control the "ewww" that popped out of my mouth.  She was so embarassed getting caught.  We talkeda bout germs and sickness.  Slowly it came to a stop.

  13. Oh please, like you don't sneak a finger up there in private. People still do it. Any man driving alone on a highway no doubt has a finger up his nose. Seriously, pay closer attention.

    Buy her tissues. Maybe she has allergies or something.

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