
My daughter is 9. She has started urinating / soiling herself.?

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We've explained the health risks/concerns. Talked about going when she needs to, whenever she needs to. Asked about anything that may be wrong, or concerning her. So far the only thing we can come up with is she is too busy to go. Any ideas?




  1. I would take her to the doctor just to rule out a urinary tract or bladder infection. Our 5 year old just had this problem and found out she had bladder infection.

  2. You should probably see a doctor about it.  it may be a medical problem or sadly she could just be lazy, she probably just doesn't want to come in from playing or doing whatever she is doing.  You could just constantly ask her if she has to go to the bathroom and go by some diapers for her they do make them for kids that old maybe she will feel uncomfortable enough or embarrassed enough to start realizing when she needs to go and get to a restroom it may seem mean but could be necessary if she doesn't have a medical problem.

  3. If this is a completely new thing, take her to the doctor.  She may have some health issue causing it.  It could also be ADHD (or ADD).  Some kids are so distracted that they don't realize til the last second that they need to go.

  4. I am 16 and i STILL have this started when i was 6! i wear "pull-ups" now it only happenes at noght most of the time so i only wear the pull-ups at night...i wear perid pads durring the day...(they are very obsorbant just in case i do doesn't show on my pants) i have a medical problem and have learned to deal with it and live life the best i can....take her to the doctor and see if there is anything he/she can meds or therapy...ect...

    good luck :-)

  5. my 7 yo did the same.  We took her to the doctor to run a battery of tests to rule out issues such as diabetes, blatter and kindey problems and general functions

    once we knew she was fine then we talked to her.  she bascially said the same.  she was busy!  And the bathroom is next to her bedroom.  We explained again health reasons and how yucky it is!

    we then told her if it continued she would be punished that there is nothing she is doing more important then going to the bathroom and not waiting, but going right away when you feel you may have to,.  And she goes before leaving the house always.

    thankfuly it stopped but the doctor always suggested a child psychologist if it continued for emotional reasons

    need more help, send me a message, we can talk more!

  6. My daughter had this for about 5 years, and that makes me sound like a bad parent, but we assumed that she was too lazy to get up and go, but it was actually that she had no warning when she needed to poo. Urinating she was fine, but when people need to poo, they know, and she just didn't get that feeling.

    We get a prescription from the doctors now, so I would suggest going there before your daughter gets too embarressed.

    If you work out it IS lazyness, you need to call her in from what she is doing to go to the toilet every so often until she grows out of it.

    Hope that helped!

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