
My daughter is 9 in a half. She wants to shave her legs. do I let her?

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Could she use Nair?




  1. OMG no way that stuff can burn, kid shave sensitive skin!!!

    She really does not need to shave her legs yet unless you both just really want her to. But IMO junior hugh is more appropriate

  2. Yes.  Because if you don't, she will do it anyway and probably not as safely as if you were with her.  I shaved mine DRY at 11 because my parents would not let me shave and I had a cheerleading competition that I did not want hairy legs for.  I would explain the importance of good hygeine and safe shaving.  And help her the first couple times.  That way she will be able to know what to do and the best way to do it.  I would not recommend chemicals at her age.  She is probably old enough to handle the cream and razor herself.

  3. i think 9 is still too young. i think age 11 or 12 would be appropriate.  

  4. I would say let her because she will probably do it anyway...just be sure to show her the proper way.  I did it when I was her age, but without my parents knowing.  I just used water, no soap or shaving cream!  And for some reason I thought women were supposed to shave their I had some pretty bad razor burn all over my legs and arms!

  5. NO NAIR!  This will burn the heck out of her skin.  My daughter is about the same age.  I took her to walmart and bought an electric razor for her because I just didn't want her to cut her legs up with a razor.  Our rule is she can shave in the spring/summer when her legs are showing.  But in the winter not.  When she hits 12 she can shave when ever she wants and use a real razor.

    I know it is hard but do you like having hairy legs?  My daughter has more than peach fuzz....just on her legs though....and she was getting picked on too.  So we had a bonding moment sat down talked and I decided it would not hurt anything if she shaved her legs.  It is not like I am letting her wear full on makeup or anything....just getting rid of something that embarrases her.

    Good luck.

    Oh here are similar razors to what we have:

  6. I started shaving when I was only 10. I have some pretty heavy German influences in my heritage so I'm tweezed and plucked to a degree that if I stopped for a few weeks, I doubt my co workers would recognize hairy-me. Its pretty bad. If she is a similar case, I would say let her.

    Nair burned my skin. Veet worked w/o burns, it took longer though.

  7. Depends on if her hair is dark.  Then yes, just supervise.

  8. No shaving while she's still in elementary school.  6th grade should be the absolute youngest.  (You don't see 9 year old boys shaving, do you?)

  9. If its something embarrassing for her then I don't see a problem with you letting her get rid of her leg hair during the spring and summer while she's wearing shorts. But I think you should make it clear that this is only for the seasons that she's wearing shorts and the rest of the time she doesn't need to.

    I wouldn't let her use Nair because it can cause horrible chemical burns (I actually have a scar on my lower leg from a chemical burn caused by Nair).

    An actual razor can cause cuts & scars so you may want to consider getting her an electric razor. It gets rid of the hair but she can't cut herself (and end up with scars).

  10. Don't use nair.

    Get an electric shaver. That's what my mom did with me and my 2 sisters when we wanted to start.

    It's safe and still mostly gets the job done  :)

  11. My cousin is nine, and she started to shave. It all depends on your daughter. Does she have thick dark hair on her legs? Is she being teased for having hairy legs? All things have to be taken into consideration because once she starts, keeping legs smooth is quite a chore, and she may not realise this yet!

    If she was my daughter, I would allow her to shave her legs if it was upsetting her or if it was especially thick and obvious hair. But if it's fair and you can't tell it's hairy, then I would not let her use shavers just yet.

    Nair would be a safer option, as she would probably not be able to handle a razor and may cut herself.  

  12. if they are bad i would take her to have them waxed. the hair will grow back slower and eventually not at all. avoid shaving if possible it grows in thicker and darker

  13. I vote no to the Nair. I am afraid to use Nair on myself - anything that can 'eat' hair, really cannot be safe for my skin.

    If you think her legs are hairy enough that she should shave them, I'd let her. My daughter is 10 and has been asking - I'm giving in this weekend. I have picked up a 'cute' electric razor so I don't have to worry about her cutting herself.  

  14. I was in the 5th grade when I got to shave my legs....My mom showed me how to do it first then the next few times she watched to make sure I was doing it right!  Id say yes but make sure she knows how sharp the razor is and how bad it can hurt...I would suggest her using a good razor too like a Venus...I tend to cut myself less with it!!  I agree with the lady that said she let her daughter shave in the summer when her legs were showing and her daughter had to tell her first...thats a really good idea!

  15.  She's NINE.

  16. I am confused by people saying that girls shouldn't shave until they are X age. Not all girls mature at the same rate. And you can't really go by how old you were when you started to need to shave because girls are hitting puberty earlier and earlier. By the time I was 10 i had full on hairy legs. People made fun of me and I was very self-conscious about it. My mom said that I couldn't shave till I was twelve, but people were making fun of me so bad that I did it on my own anyway and cut myself. Then she realized that if it was making me feel that bad, and I did actually need to shave that it was stupid to have a certain rule.

    Even if your daughter doesn't "need" to shave what is it going to hurt to let her? It will not grow in darker, or thicker thats an old wives tale. A razor does cut the hair off blunt, which can make it more prickly. I think you should have a bonding moment with your daughter and show her how to shave carefully. Ask her why she wants to shave, is she being picked on? I am willing to bet that if it is just because she wants to feel more grown up she will abandon it when she realizes that its a hassle and most women wish they didn't have to shave. If she is feeling self-conscious about the hair then letting her shave. It won't hurt anything, you can teach her how to shave properly and you can bond rather than her feeling like you are unfair or have let her down or taking matters into her own hands and cutting herself or getting razor bumps.

  17. I say no.  I wouldn't want a nine year old handling a razor.

    Nair gave me a really bad chemical burn when I was a teenager.

  18. Don't use Nair that's not well for her skin.

    But, I recommend you buy her an electric shaver, you can get them at wal mart, and when she is around eleven or twelve, or whenever you feel is the right age you can get her a razor and show her how to shave with that, and just supervise the first few times. It worked for me.

  19. We'll here's the thing: I've used Nair and I agree with the potential burns.  However, I just saw an ad in a magazine for a new Nair product line that is for younger girls, it might be less potent.  I also agree with the supervised shaving as 9 is a little young to be handling a razor alone, but would you want to walk around with hairy legs?  Good luck.

  20. no it sends the wrong message this is for mature girls not for a 9 year old  

  21. NO

    the earlier she starts the thicker and more often she will have ot shave for the rest of her life.

    Tell her that no one even sees her peach fuzz.

    middle teens is where most girls start.

  22. Only if she needs to. Age 9 seems a little too young for me but I think it depends on each individuals hair type. And I'd go with the electric razor.

  23. AWE thats sad

    My daughter is 8 I hope she doesnt ask for a while yet

    Tell her to be a kid!

    If not I would do nair!

    They grow up WAY too fast!

  24. If she is mature and has hairy legs I think it is OK if she is supervises and has help. Venus razors are the best for fine hair and they are less apt to cut her.

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