
My daughter is being bullied..?

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we live in the same street as this other girl, they are the same age and up until recently were the best of friends.since school started back this girl has been playing with her and then out of nowhere starts calling her names and then punches or pushes her.( we have other kids who backed up this story ).well we finally had enough and told her stand up for yourself..hit her back, do something.

yesterday it came to a head when she was called names and then her necklace was ripped from around her neck ( she has 2 big scratches from it ).her necklace broke,she tried to punch the other girl but the bully ran off ( she is a champion runner )

i was so pissed off i said: tell her we are not giving her alift to sport anymore,that's it.

now my daughter isn't allowed to play with the bully or her sister ( whom is a very nice girl ) and i am worried that we have also wrecked a friendship we had with our neighbours ( her parents)

also after school my daughter is very lonely now.




  1. Talk to the mom or when the girl starts up again just be outside and get your daughter to hit her back frist things first. but make sure you talk to school about it thourgh. and how old is she? cause if she is in elementary school she wont have to worry cause in middle and high school you dont get that bad of it. hope this helps

  2. Sorry,But I just have to say Chris Hatchett's answer is very interesting,If you are talking about a child who goes out and punches,pushes and bullies other people,I highly doubt they will listen to a civil chat.Usually,bullies will only learn to leave the kid alone if the kid or their parents deals with them...If it came to it I would definitley tell my daughter to give the person who punched her a good punch right back...Maybe the bully would get the message and know that this kid won't stand to get picked on! Sorry,for my outburst and have a nice day! ☺

  3. buy your daughter a gun for xmas if that fails you go over to that little girls house and slit her throat! dont let any one **** with your family! stay true! (btw im only half serious)

  4. Kids do this to each other -- it's all about competition.  If you notice, kids are very competitive with each other.  

    I don't blame you for telling your daughter to give that bully a good slug.  Same thing happened to me when i was about 5 years old.. the girl down the road used to hit me all the time... My mother got tired of it and told me to "hit her back".... because i'd come home crying all the time.  

    I guess one day my mom's friend called her on the phone telling her she HAD to come to her house right away because i was beating the c**p out of my bully friend... heehee.

    My mom and the girl's parents' friendships weren't ruined because they were mature adults, and realized that kids get into scuffles.  Your neighbors are apparently not so good at understanding kids.

    If you are concerned about the friendship, call the mother.  Kids will be kids, and some adults.. well, they act like kids too... I guess you will have to call and find out.

    It's not the end of the world... just love your daughter... and maybe encourage her to invite other friends over?

  5. talk to ur daughter first and see how she feels about not playing with her. maybe ask her what happened among them to have started this conflict. if nothing comes ashore, it's still best to keep your daughter away from that beast; in addition perhaps u can try conversing with your neighbors

    your daughter can always make new friends..maybe not necessarily on the same street, but they can hang out at other's house

    u know what they say, karma is a b***h, it goes round and comes around, that bully will probably get it

    and plus, you can be your daughter's best friend. no need to feel heart broken. at least ur doing the right thing as a mother, keeping her away from the bully

  6. Hi i'll start off by saying im 12 so i may have some grammer issues or mispellings.

    First off, you should talk to her parents. Have the other girl there too, this will make it very awkward she won't lie with her parents and you there as well.

    My cousins have had this situation but it was with our other cousin... this recked their friendship forever as you can save yours and your daughters relationship with your neighbors if you just talked.

    Also, let her hit her back, if she doesn't she wont get any respect and she will be bullied for a long time. Try talking to the principal, if the principal wwont do anything get the cops involved this is a serious matter tat should not be taken likely. It's assault. So try talking to the parent, if the parents are "uncool"  then talk to the principal, then the last option the cops. GOOD LUCK

  7. We meet bullies at all stages of our lives.  As parents, we have to teach our kids who to effectively deal with a bully - because you don't just meet them on the playground...

    Here are some good tips:

  8. You should never suggest your child use violence to combat violence. You should be teaching her to avoid situations like that and not to resolve them with physical contact. Your daughter will find a new friend and obviously doesn't need the bad influence of this girl in her life. If the parents of the bully don't want to be friends with you anymore over this then I think you are better off not being friends with them in the first place. They might just realize that the girls' relationship has turned unhealthy and needs to be ended. I think you should wait for things to calm down a little and then have a civil talk with the parents and the children.

  9. I understand how you feel. It breaks my heart, too, when my daughter is bullied and I don't tolerate it at all.

    However, did you first speak to this girl's parents? I would have done that before telling my daughter to respond back physically.

    IF the parents refused to help - or if they "tried" but the bullying persisted - then I wouldn't think twice about keeping my kid away from their daughter.

    Encourage your daughter to make new friends or give her activities at home that will interest her, if and until the issues with this other girl are resolved.

  10. that stinks. 2 points

  11. I know what you mean. My child came home from school one day saying some older girls were picking on them (because my child is 2 grades lower). I called my childs friends who confirmed that they were being bullied to make sure I received the facts straight. So without hesitation I called both mothers and believe me those girls were more embarrassed having to come to my house and apologize to my child for being a bully.  After the girls left my child looked at me and said "Gee mom they didnt seem so tough just now".

    But you should contact the parents.  Most parents wont tolerate it but they cant do nothing unless they know about it. And if they dont want to control their child then go to the school because schools now a days have a zero tolerance to that sort of thing.  Be persistant when it comes to bullying, because this is the thing that could tramuatize your child.

    As far as after school activities, like someone stated encourage her to make new friends or introduce her to some of your friends that have children her age. Give her something new to embrass. Good Luck and hope it works out!

  12. Have you brought the  problem to the parents attention?  Try that, the

    parents might not even know what their daughter is doing to other kids.  If that don't work than enroll your daughter in tae

    kwon do classes so she can kick the **** out of the other girl the next time.

  13. they will probably become friends did the right  thing i feel,if she is actually hurting your daughter than you have to do something.she can make new friends,that,s the problem with best friends,they just have each other and no one else.your neighbors should not be mad,if you explain this to them.that would have been a good idea to go to their house and have both girls there and talk about why this bully girl is doing this to her best friend,something is wrong that she is doing can still do this and may help everyone to feel better,good luck

  14. I have had to make decisions like that as a parent too and it breaks my heart just reading that story. It is hard to say to your child you can not play with this person anymore but it has to be done some times. I really think you made the right choices in all areas. I do think that if a child is being hit they need to fight back and you need to put your foot down. I actually did that last year this little girl used to practically lived at my house her parents had never met me and never even knew where I lived and she would stay for like two weeks straight and not even go home. Finally she ganged up with this girl at school at hit my daughter and I told her that's it your going home and you two are not to talk. Now 6 months later she keeps writing my daughter notes begging her to talk to me because she is so sorry and misses her. I told her no way and she respected my choice because she knows I love her and know what is best for her.

    Don't worry mom you did the right thing and your only looking out for her best interest. I am sure things will simmer down pretty soon. Just let her know you love her and support her if she has to fight back. Good luck to you and God bless your little girl!

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