
My daughter is constipated!!??1?

by  |  earlier

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she doesnt kow how to swallow pills.

she wont drink any water or juice or eat so i could mix it with anything i told her it would make her better but she said "i've been eating my whole 7 years and this happened" so now she's anti food




  1. You should try to not give her Gatorade cause i heard that it  will make it harder for her. I think you should go to the store cause they have very good stuff that will help her that she can take oral. I am not sure what it is called but i give it to my children and it  to my children and it help(but it might make her go lot, that what happens to my son) I bought it at wall-mart it was a off brand boodle.I will try to think of what it is and then post another comment if i can think of the name. Hope she will feel better.

  2. give her a half of an easylax and she'll go i know it happen to me at that age also

  3. if she will trying giving her coffee, this really helps me,I'm sorry , if she loses to much weight you need to take her to the er.she probably will put up a fight but the er knows how to do it and keep her calm. good luck and bless your heart.

  4. Try laxatives before you try an e***a.  You might end up preferring stool softeners, however.  Laxatives will force a bowel movement; stool softeners will help the impacted fecal material be softer.  She might be capable of passing the stool, but passing a stool after days of constipation can hurt a lot!

    Try to consult with a doctor before using the e***a--there could be other factors that you aren't aware of that could make it dangerous for her to use.  Try calling the ER and asking for a consult instead of bringing her in.  Some pediatricians have an emergency number for this sort of thing, too.  

    Instructions on enemas (including size and types, for children):

    Judge her pain level before taking her to the ER.  If she is in serious pain, there could be septic dangers involved with her constipation.  She needs to get to a doctor soon!  If you judge her pain to be "normal", you're probably fine waiting until tomorrow morning to take her to the pediatrician.

  5. Miralax

    It is over the counter now. My son has chronic constipation and takes this every day. Miralax is powder, you can just mix it in juice or soda - it's tasteless.  It will not blow her out, but it will help her to pass whatever's in there.

    Best wishes!

  6. This happened to my brother around her age. He would be outside playing, and not want to interrupt to go to the bathroom.

    He ended up in the hospital :( They put him on metamusal crackers. Fiber Crackers.

  7. Have you tried laxatives yet?

    I would try that route before forcing it out with an e***a.

  8. over a week is no your doctor and ask him what to do.  She needs to eat or drink non-binding fruits and juices like pears, plumbs, peaches

    no bananas or apples they tend to bind

    I would definatly consider taking her to the er... backed up bowels can cause septic conditions in the body.  You definately don't want that.

  9. get the chocolate ex-lax and give her one. be prepared to keep her home from school tomorrow...needing to "go" is very yucky feeling when you cant so get her the med asap. |I don't blame her for not wanting to eat. But you must explain that its not food that did this. It could have been not eating enough or not eating right. Sugar can help too.

  10. Give her a suppository before she goes to bed. I used to kick and scream when my parents gave me that because it's uncomfortable having something up your butt but my parents used to give me a privilege in turn. "You can watch TV in Mommy and Daddy's bed till you fall asleep" It worked and I almost always went to the bathroom the next morning.

  11. Have you tried prune juice, maybe try flaxseed, that seems to help.

  12. Don't take her to the ER. i heard that sometimes these veggie pills help i mean go to a drug store and look for stool softener, that could help, but before you take anything confirm with a Doctor. don't take my word for it.

  13. Well, if you can't get her to eat or drink anything, it's going to be really hard.  This would mean no fiber and no medicine.  I think you are going to have to show her some tough love.  You are the parent, and you know what she needs to be healthy.  I understand that she is probably scared and more than likely in some pain.  But the only way to get rid of it is to do something.  I would sit her down and explain that she has 3 options.  She can 1. Choose to drink something with some fiber mixed in or take a laxative.  2. Choose to go to the hospital and let them take care of her there. 3. Choose to have you give her a suppository.  Hopefully, she will choose option number one.  You need to explain to her what being constipated for too long can do to her body.  You need to ask her to be a big girl about it and help you make her better or else you'll have to go to the hospital, where they won't give her any choice they will simply do what needs to be done.  You CANNOT let her stubborness continue when her health is concerned.

  14. After this long you're reaching danger zones!!  Take her to doctor again and insist he helps you. If he doesnt go see another.   In the first 4 or 5 days fruit drinks, Dr. pepper and coffee can work...  but after that there's an impaction and even when a person does have a BM there's a good chance its just a little leakage around the BM.

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