
My daughter is four months and wont take a bottle

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I breast feed her and when she was first months up till about 3 months she would take a bottle that i had pumped...but tonight she would not take one! any tips, tricks or advice????




  1. It is unusual for a baby that has been taking a bottle to suddenly not want it.   If she is taking only the breast today, continue with that until you can take her to her pediatrician.  If she's not taking either she may be sick, in which case you need to go to the hospital or urgent care center ASAP.

  2. The only time my daughter did that was when a couple of the ounces of milk had gone bad without me realizing it.  Smell the milk and make sure it isn't spoiled (I know that sounds weird...but it actually happened to me the other night).  Make sure she isn't actually sick.  She may just be aching for the comfort of nursing, so if you're still producing the milk, and she'll nurse for you, go ahead and nurse her.  It may be enough to get her back on schedule.

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