
My daughter is getting married this weekend. I am a fairly emotional guy. ?

by Guest33289  |  earlier

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Any thoughts on how I can maintain my composure?




  1. Let this be the time to embrace you sensitive side, just try not to get sloppy with it. Carry 2 or 3 white cloth hankies & don't blow you your nose in front of every one & you will be fine. Your daughter will all ways love you for being in touch with your emotions.

  2. Let out your emotions.I know my father is going to get emotional,thats why I picked a funny father/daughter dance song.He's a hard man but I know he's going to cry at the wedding.

  3. Just dont even think about it and if you find yourself getting teary eyed then no biggy.  it only shows how much you love and care for your daughter.  My dad didnt cry, but I could tell how happy he was for me and how much he loved me and it was great to know that one such a special day, I had 2 men who loved me more then anything.  your daughter is a lucky girl.

  4. Carry a bottle of whisky

  5. Simply enough, don't fight it. It's natural, it's a manly thing to do - everyone understands! My brother boo-hooed pretty much through his son's wedding!

    Maybe take some time a day or two before the wedding for some on-on-one time with her, to talk, and let the bulk of the emotions splash forth then.

    Congrats, Dad! Have a great celebration!

  6. I find that if I get too emotional I can change my train of thought by playing a song in my head or reading the program closely and thinking about the people on it. That helps me regain my composure. But don't feel the need to hide all of the emotions, just keep them in check so you don't turn into big weepy blubbering red-eyed swollen-face in the pictures ( =

    Good luck!

  7. I do agree with the other posters who say that crying at your daughter's wedding is not a bad thing. But I also see where you'd like to not fall in to an emotional wreck either.  My advice to most fathers and/or daughters when they feel an emotional rush coming on is to think of your favorite knock knock joke. This way if you do start sniffling at least you have a smile on your face at the time.

    Enjoy and Congratulations on gaining a son!

  8. Try thinking about something funny as you walk her down the aisle, it will make you smile! :) You will definitly want to remember her as the beautiful bride. Enjoy every moment of the wedding, and it will bring you great memories.  

  9. thats sooo funny and i'd be embarrased but its so sweet no matter what u do u r probably still gonna good luck and congrats dad lets the water works begin! id love to be there!!!!!lol

  10. its ok to cry  if u want to try to not sit ball  just think of something super funny that you two have done. and dont think of it as loosing her  but soon to gain a grandbaby

  11. I think you will be more emotional just before the ceremony.. you can cry if you want.. it is ok

  12. Why not let your feelings out?  Cry, whatever!  It will show your sensitive side and let your true emotions shine through.  

  13. Don't worry about it. Try not to think too much. Just enjoy each moment and don't let your thoughts run wild. You will be okay.  

  14. who says you have to? my dad cried at my wedding and it was the sweetest thing ever.

  15. Do you think anyone will blame you for being emotional? Come on, now, girls LOVE that. If you can't cry a little when your daughter gets married, when can you?

  16. Dear Mark,

    Well, If I were getting married and my dad started to cry... I would be so touched by his emotions and his realization that I'm growing up. But that's just me.. lol

    This is how I cut back on the tears:

    first when i feel the lump in my throat... I swallow it -- simple

    then when I feel my eyes tearing I just squeeze my eyes shut really really tight..

    and then there's the sniffles ... well I don't know how to get rid of that and usually it's a dead give away if your sniffing ... bring a couple tissues with you. That's all I can give to you, but don't worry. I bet your daughter will be touched emotionally by your willingness to express your happiness by tearing... yeah I know sounds kind of weird ... but that's how (me at least) women think. Just let your happiness show (if it is happiness lol.) Hope this helps you.

    Have a peachy day! And congratulations on being the Father of the Bride! Best wishes to you and your family....

    Love and many blessings,


  17. I'm super emotional as well.  

    It's inevitable that you shed some tears.  Don't worry too much about crying, like it's perfectly acceptable and it's really sweet.

    Anyways, to help maintain your composure:

    - bring kleenex

    - chew gum - or a candy

    - have a bottle of water nearby

    - if you feel the waterworks coming on, close your eyes and focus on controlling yourself

    Those are my tips.  With the gum, if you focus on chewing the gum, then you tend not to cry.  Also, with the candy, just focus on it.  I find that swallowing a big gulp of water helps me keep composed.

    The worst thing you can do is focus on crying.  If you're standing there telling yourself, "don't cry. don't cry" then you tend to just cry out of stress.  Just take a couple deep breaths and you'll do fine.

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