
My daughter is getting ready to turn 12 months and she still has not teeth. What kind of food can I feed her?

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I am not sure if this is normal and she really wants to eat regular food but I can't give it to her. Are there any foods that anyone has tried that babys can gum without teeth?




  1. I would stay away from hard or solid foods honestly. My baby had problems with some foods and she had 2 bottom teeth at 12 months.But most baby food should be fine,its mushy you know,just add some salt and put in a big kid bowl =)  And remember how easy it is for babies to choke,even the ones with teeth,so thats why I say be careful. (by the way my baby got molars before she was 18 months) Bottom line- All babies are different and it shouldn't hurt to try different foods as long as mommy's there to help =)

  2. That ok, your daughter will grow her teeth when she good and ready. In the mean time feed her things like mashed potatoe with butter and fresh mashed bananas, soups, etc. you know things with flavor that is not necessarily baby food. Something you'd feed your grandparents without their dentures. LOL

    Good luck and remember don't rush your daughter, shes working on her own schedule.

  3. The product got good reviews on

  4. Babies can pretty much eat anything without teeth.  Their gums are harder than you think.  You don't chew with your front teeth, anyhow-- you chew with molars, which typically don't come in until 18+ months.

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