
My daughter is going through a child custody battle in pa. Her drug test was positive today. What can happen?

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My daughter is going through a child custody battle in pa. Her drug test was positive today. What can happen?




  1. It could cost her the custody of her children...I wouldn't want my children to be with her if she is using drugs.

  2. She can lose custody.  Depending on the drug, and if she is willing to give it up.  She may be awarded visitation.  But if more drug tests are done and it doesn't change she may lose the child fully.  No custody or visitation.  

    Good Luck...

  3. PA is a very tough state when it comes to drugs, especially in the Southeastern part (not sure exactly where you're from in PA).   She could be held accountable for drug use and lose custody, and even lose visitation rights and have to follow steps to regain them.  Most women are put through one-on-one counseling, classes, and programs to prove that they are suitable to have custody of a child.

    It also depends on the type of drug.  If it's a hard drug, she will have a MUCH harder time proving her capability to provide herself to be stable as a parent.  

    She will most likely have to face routine drug screenings to monitor her and ensure that she is clean.

    Tell her that she is endangering the well-being of her daughters life, no matter what drug she is doing or has done.  Maybe this will be a life lesson for her.

  4. I'm sure it will hurt her chances with custody.  If she has a drug problem, the courts are not going side with her given it is not in the best interest of the child.  I'll keep your family in my prayeres.

  5. Ewwww...nothing good can happen from here.  She just helped out the OTHER person wanting custody.

  6. if this isnt the first drug test she has taken that was postive she will most likely lose visitation for awhile

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